SuperSaint4GodBZStyle #fundie

Also Evolution is supposed to have happened according to the humanists, but I have a question to ask. If in Evolution and survival of the fittest are correct and also Evolution is a science according to the humanists then there shouldn't be any purpose in life. But since I'm a biology major and I'm currently taking Organic Chemistry and Lab, I have noticed that in our Lab Notebooks we have to have a purpose why we're doing the experiment. If Evolution is a science should it have a purpose why evolution has occurred? Also, why does the atheist cry when his wife dies in a car crash? Life has a purpose. We all have a purpose. Can you imagine that someone wants to be good to you? God wants to be good to us all. He's not bad at all. God looks for good and finds good. Ever since Adam had sinned, God wants the relationship with man that he once had. So he gave his only begotten Son Jesus to save us all from hell and eternal damnation. But whoever is not a christian already has to make the choice whether to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and let God love you just the way you are or to reject God and his free gift for a lowzy place in american society with no purpose other than to feel good.



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