I am constantly hearing people who are pro choice say 'that doesn't mean i'm pro abortion'. Well isn't that basically the same thing? They always come back with that they are for women's right to do with their body. I guess it's ok for them to do whatever they want with that poor baby's body.
Grrrr. Someone in that thread used the phrase "unborn baby." That is a contradiction, by the definitions of both words.
One thing I don't understand is that they believe babies/fetuses go to heaven. So why not abort every baby/fetus? That seems better than giving them the chance of going to Hell forever. I mean, if being aborted means I get to skip this mediocre life and go instantly to eternal bliss, I would have chosen to be aborted.
Most of these fetuses aren't developed enough to HAVE a body.
Grrrr. Someone in that thread used the phrase "unborn baby." That is a contradiction, by the definitions of both words.
I disagree. I think a developed fetus IS a baby, even if it hasn't been born yet.
people who are pro choice say 'that doesn't mean i'm pro abortion'
100% correct as written. Just because they're pro-choice does not mean they will automatically have an abortion. I'm a pro-choice male which means, by definition, I will never have an abortion therefore I cannot even commit the act you abhor so much. So I'm in the clear then, right?
Oh, wait, I tell others it's OK that abortion remains the woman's right to decide therefore I'm an abortion enabler and just as guilty as the rest. Kill me now where I stand before I tell another woman it's OK to kill her unborn child!
First, fetus. Not baby. In most cases, it's not even technically alive, let alone sentient enough to be classified as such. Second, yes, there is a difference. Many Pro-Choicers do not like abortions, and would never, ever get one themselves...but feel it's not their place to choose for others.
Pro-choice = in favor of the right of a woman to choose to give birth or terminate the pregnancy. CHOICE.
Pro-abortion = in favor of women always having abortions.
Pro-life = in favor of preserving human life, including the lives of already born people.
Anti-choice = in favor of restricting women's choice.
*sigh* I am pro-choice. I have an eight month old son. Obviously "pro choice" and "pro abortion" are not the same thing. I chose to have a baby. It's my right, and any other woman's right.
Holy crap, you're an idiot.
Zygotes aren't babies, but even if they are:
Suppose you went to the hospital to get your tonsils out and when you wake up after the operation, you find out that a very ill person has been hooked up to you and is now receiving life support from your body. You can either lie in that hospital bed with that person for nine months or get the fuck up and go on with your life. I'm sure you can imagine all the shit you have to do in the next nine months.
Sure, it's nice to sit there and let the person recover off your body, but it most certainly is not your responsibility and not your obligation. Killing a person by your unwillingness to support them is something you do every day when you refuse to spend your excess cash on starving children in Africa. It's your right to do what you want with your body and your resources.
Honestly, if possible I would let the unfortunate person hooked up to me recover. And I will attempt to avoid having abortions, particularly late term ones where it could be more realistically called a baby and not a clump of undifferentiated cells. But when it comes down to it, it's my body, and if I need it more than the 'baby' does, for whatever reason, abortion should be an option available to me.
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