Coldstar #racist

Talking about fake. That is what Jews are all about, being fake. They are deceivers all the way. However, I wonder if they themselves believe many of their own lies. Growing up as a Jewish child and being conditioned to believe that the world historically singles out Jews for persecution and hate "for no reason whatsoever", that has to have a very negative conditioning effect on them.

Jews grow up "knowing" that they are all "perpetually persecuted" and others get blamed for it, especially our White race and Christians. The most gullible goyim thought that by reshaping their own religion and by blending Judaism in with their own, they would appease Jews and "heal their hurt". As a result we have Judeo-Christianity. I would have to research if there also is such a thing as Judeo-Islam.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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