David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is considered by most students of history to be the father of modern-day Communism. Marx was a devout satanist in college and a Luciferian-worshipper throughout his life. He was also a member of the underground Illuminati. Marx was a Jewish high, level Freemason and infiltrator, working for the sinister International Banking Cartel. William Guy Carr does an excellent job exposing the agenda of the Banksters in his incredibly informative book, PAWNS IN THE GAME. Marx's infamous COMMUNIST MANIFESTO was a virtual reprint of Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt's blueprint for World Government back in 1775. The summarized 10 Planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto are shocking when you realize that they totally describe America today. Why do you think President Obama want our guns? You haven't seen anything yet until our guns are gone. Fascist, cruel and inhumane mistreatment of citizens will become the norm.

Few Americans have ever learned the truth that the Revolutionary War of 1776 was a direct result of the Illuminati's plans to achieve World Government, aka, a New World Order. This has been America's Secret Destiny since the very beginning, as outlined and evidenced in 33rd degree Freemason and prolific author, Manly P. Hall's eye-opening, insightful, book, AMERICA'S SECRET DESTINY. It was Manly P. Hall who correctly stated, “The best place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS!” (and so it is in society today). Also, Hall states that the most effective deception is the half-truth, because in part it can be contested with incontestable logic. Pretty good stuff, huh? Clearly, Freemasons are trained, professional and cunning masters of deceit, lies and swaying public opinion for their organization's secret agendas.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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