Reilly #conspiracy
Radiohead, The Beatles, Kraftwerk, and Nirvana... An excercise in understanding the structure of time using western pop music culture.
Definitions: Britain - yin, encapsulating. America/Germany - yang, focused.
Examining the exchanges of masculine and feminine energies, and syncronicities between four bands.
1. 50's to 60's - Beatles(yin, positive); 60's to 70's - Kraftwerk(yang, positive).
2. 80's to 90's - Nirvana(yang, negative); 90's to 00's - Radiohead(yin, nagative).
1945 to 2012 is considered to be a fractal unit of time, preceded by a unit of about 4339.2 years and followed by a unit of about 1.05 years. Within each unit consists of complete sine wave cycle. Given the bands dates in relation to the length of the unit of time they're within, the first two earlier bands are located "positive" region of the sine wave and the latter two bands are located "negative" region of the sine wave.
The Main Syncronicities:
The Beatles(yin) represent making creative music, and having widespread cultural impacts. Kraftwerk(yang) represents making technological music, and having focused cultural impacts.
As a result, the technological music of Kraftwerk impacts a creative Radiohead(yin), and creative music of the Beatles impacts a technological Nirvana(yang). Radiohead was very much influenced musically by German rock music such as Kraftwerk and others. Nirvana(Kurt Cobain) was very much influenced by the Beatles and John Lennon. Keep in mind, these bands represent focal points the cultural energetic phenomena. The rest of the world was still involved.
The Beatles, the yin or feminine, had created the pop music culture of the time unit, and Kraftwerk, the yang or masculine, had started the technological develpments in which the pop music culture would follow. As the sine wave inverses itself, the root yin Radiohead becomes a technological phenomenon, and the root yang Nirvana becomes creative phenomenon - all in the while still maintaining their yin/yang basis.
As the time-wave propagated, ultimately leading to the next fractal time unit, all of these results settle in their perspective aspects.
Accompanying syncronicities:
Beatles(yin, positive) - Paul McCartney died, replaced with a clone and covered up, later ends abruptly. Kraftwerk(yang, positive) - Got along quite well, still together.
Radiohead(yin, negative) - Got along well, still together. Nirvana(yang, negative) - Kurt Cobain died, murder covered up as suicide, ends abruptly.
The Beatles - The feminine giving birth through the creative force.
Then... Kraftwerk - Materialization into the depth of being through the magic of science and technology of the masculine.
And then...
Nirvana - A shift into the negative realm of the sinual time-wave; the yang receiving the influence of the feminine creative in an inverse action.
And finally...
Radiohead - you end with the yin as the sinual time-wave completes a cycle; the yin exits upon receiving the power of the masculine science.