Stephen Ebittu #fundie

(Part 1)

(vision of hell) as revealed in the morning hours of 25th September 2017.
My Journey Inside Hell (Vision of Hell)
Many things were spoken and revealed then a voice said,
‘We must show you hell’
And immediately before my eyes were the chambers of hell
The chambers were many and below them a blue fire
Each chamber had a metal different than the other
As you go down from one chamber to another, the metals were according to their combustion – as you go down, the fire increased
I saw all metals in the chambers many yet to be known by humans
At chamber number 3 was Magnesium (search how Magnesium burns)
And I asked myself, if magnesium is in chamber 3, what about the combustion and fire of the metal in chamber 15?
As I watched, souls were placed on the first chamber which was fully engulfed with fire
And it was revealed to me that Satan lies to the souls that if they obey him and do what he commands they will be taken from where they are to a better place therefore the souls do what they can to be taken out of chamber one only for them to be placed in chamber 2 with more fire than the first
And this continues day in day out, year in year out, moving from one chamber to another as Satan lies to them that the chamber they are is worse, the next place is good with reward only to move from one fire intensity to another
When you disobey Satan, you are taken out from whichever chamber you are and taken back to chamber one to start again being lied that at the end you will be released out of that place which never happens
(This is the same lie Satan lies to humans on earth, that if you follow his ways, ways of world and men, you will come out of where you are to a better place of riches, fame, peace and prosperity only to move from one curse to another worse, from sickness to another worse, from poverty to more poverty, etc, and at the end you perish – go to hell)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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