Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
An offer the illumislutties couldn't refuse...
The monkey minded moron idiots at the helm of our world validate each other's ideas by excluding all but their core ingroup in discussions. Their neuron connections make sense to one another accordingly.
They keep greater intelligence out of their circles so as to not "corrupt" the purity of their peer-validated insanity.
Copy and paste this instantly - spread it where you can - this site is a counterintel hub and deletes real truth very quickly.
This is the pathetic world we were all born into. Solution to the worlds problems? Easy - it's exactly this: Pass a maximum earnings, profit, and capital gains law = free market capitalism with healthy limits to prevent monetary authoritarianism (MA). MA is the actual governing technique throughout the world and euphemistic speech is used to spread it like "getting people out of poverty." Agrarianism is not poverty, it's freedom from monetary authoritarianism. Votes are purchased or programmed into people's minds with media... that's what democracy is. In addition, real freedom would be passing a universal fundamental human right stating that: It is a fundamental human right for every person to gather together with their ancestry group to live a healthy culture with the goal of preventing health problems and striving for better youthful longevity through the years by cause/effect observations.
CIA, NSA, MI6, MOSSAD and all the rest... I currently work with a planted MOSSAD agent at a big Korean company in Silicon Valley, have interacted with idiots affiliated with the CIA too often, and the brain power is imbecilic. Robots doing as they are programmed, thinking they are donig something for some greater good. Nope... you're just making the world safe for monetary authoritarianism... the shits the few authoritarians take and the orgasms they have inside of whomever. That's what you are protecting idiot agents.
No real progress is ever made by design... Google, Facebook - branches of the CIA/NSA etc - achieve such great company valuation because they are helping the global spy network. Certain companies get the green light for success if their part of the core global in-group.
Engineers and people that work in supply chain are excellent covert agents to walk around China and other countries just "doing their job" with some Silicon Valley company.
These are the facts on the ground. Maybe one day it will improve, I don't know. I've done what I can but the idiots at the helm are, well, idiots. They lack the capacity to do the right thing. Nothing but wrong written throughout their neuron connections. The entire world could be a completely different place today with better leadership... they maintain a sort of intelligence "dark ages" fueled by endless entertainment counterintel to keep people's mind spinning on nothing of significance from birth to death. This is the actual, intentional design of society today. It's the best these idiots can do. It's all they got - all the meetings they have throughout the world - all you see around you is the best they can do.
They suck. They are pathetic worms, with even more pathetic worms doing as they command. A few people on the sidelines like me strive to get some creative new direction going, but it's always stopped, delayed, prevented in some way. Never supported, helped, moved forward.