There we are in Galillee, 2000 years ago..
Jesus has come amonst us.
Where is the homosexual?
where are the active homosexuals following Jesus.?
he isnt there.
This reminds me of those "Where's Waldo" books. Man, I fucking hated those books. Find this guy standing around all these other guys! This sure beats playing Oregon Trail on the Apple IIe! I think the worst one ever was this one in "The Great Waldo Hunt" where there's like 1000 alternate world bizarro Waldos, and you're tasked with finding the one true real Waldo. The only way to do this is to check each and every last one of the little bastards to see whether or not they have things like goatees or different hats or the wrong number of stripes or a heroin needle or OH GOD I WANT TO KILL MYSELF PLEASE GOD MAKE MY SUFFERING END HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GUNSHOT TO THE FACE
Let's see: Jesus never married, hung out with 12 guys, 'loved Lazarus', talked about being 'fishers of men', had a prostitute as a friend, and wore a dress.
There wasn´t internet either, there weren´t welfare funds, there weren´t purity balls or nonsense like that. Homosexuals were, only that they were not in a BLTG movement. And how can you be certain that some of his disciples, thousands anomym people were, only that they chose to be celibate or were discreet about their condition?, remember, the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absense.
Was it John or Saul/Paul who was the homophobe? Can't remember who and it doesn't matter. Jesus said nothing on the matter. Oh - except that you need to follow Mosaic law - there is no new convenent. So start stoning people for what they eat or wear. If they have unruly kids, then they must die too.
Have fun! And may you rot in hell.
"For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass the law until all is accomplished. Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:18-19 RSV)
EDIT: I don't think this is correct for a moment - but it is what the bible says...
Paul appears to have been asexual - not especially sexually attracted to either sex. Maybe that fall on the road to Damascus (back when he was still Saul) damaged more more than just his sight. As for the original twelve disciples, based on early church documents (but not the Bible itself, except in the case of Peter) all were married except John, "the disciple whom Jesus loved ... which also leaned on his breast at supper".
If a 20-something unmarried man was leaning on another unmarried older man's breast, what would you think?
well, he had a whole bunch of disciples right? so according to statistics and the fact that it was, what, 13 dudes "travelling together" all the time preacing love and tolerance (hey, fundies, guess what? you're kicking his teachings in the nuts!)...
hmm... I WONDER where one could POSSIBLY find a gay man in THERE...
Yeah, I see a corpulent redneck with silly hairdo, loud polyester suit and big black book, following Jesus around, carrying on like a total brown-noser whenever Jesus uttered a word....
Saul/Paul wanted to make sure that the gullible peasants hated EVERYBODY, and it is obvious that he did an excellent job.
13 unmarried guys walking around the countryside in sandals and robes preaching love? Um.......I think the answer might just be obvious......
(And no, I don't think Jesus was a homosexual, nor do I really think any of his disciples were, although I suppose there's nothing preventing any of them from being gay. None of them ever married, which was highly unusual for the culture and the time. Jesus was, if anything, asexual, having no interest in it at all. That doesn't make him gay. I know more than a few people personally that have zero interest in sex, that doesn't make them gay, either.
But I gotta admit...I always wondered about Paul. He seemed to have some...issues with the ladies...)
King James I of England (you know, the one who came up with the KJV) was notorious for his homosexual flings. He once said, in reference to his boy-toy, the Duke of Buckingham: "Christ had his John and I have my George".
So basically, the dude who authorised your bible thought Jesus was gay. :D
You're right, I don't see a homosexual. But, hey, I don't see Jesus, either.
What is this, Sunday school hide-and-seek?
Be glad you didn't see the "Where's Waldo" TV cartoon... in each episode the action would freeze for several seconds so you could try and find Waldo in a scene... ever try to make out fine details on a standard definition U.S. television? Ain't easy.
Anyhow, the "Where's Waldo" concept was stolen from a book called "Where's Wallace?" by Hilary Knight.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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