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Islam, the papacy, Marxism, and the Hegelian Dialectic
The Hegelian formula is:
Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis
Ex: Capitalism + Communism = World Governance (UN)
It is "integrating and uniting a set of contradictions without eliminating or reducing either one, to create a synthesis."
The Hegelian method was employed by writer Karl Marx, though few realize this. The current pope is actually a Marxist.
This war with Islam is a controlled conflict and you are being manipulated like cattle. The elite are creating a predetermined history where a single power controls the conscience of the whole world.
You are not free.
Instead of "the commies!!" it is now "the Muslims!"
Christianity + Islam = a compromise between the two (religious control/less freedom for us)
Islam is not a true church, it is a false church. It was actually created by the pope for this very reason: To be the Antithesis of the counterfeit church of Christ, the Roman Catholic church, the Mother of Harlots, the Whore of Babylon, mother of all false churches, of which he, the Beast, the Antichrist, the vicar of christ, the counterfeit king of the north, the papacy of Rome, is the head.
Islam is not the enemy, the true enemy is the POPE!