(Evolution as a theory is not proven and I'll agree, but none the less it is a theory developed through scientific observations. There was nothing scientific about the development of creationalism or genesis.)
Actually that's untrue. Creation is a very viable scientific viewpoint, but the only problem is that it is a miraculous event and therefore those who debate it scientifically have to not only support it through the science of a young earth but also combat the theories to the contrary.
(So again when you debate this we are debating why we would teach evolution over creationalism in science class.)
I don't think you should because evolution is no more defensible from the evidence than you accuse creationism to be, especially when you combine it with atheism. If you are an atheist evolutionist explain the creation of the first cell? As an evolutionist explain how mutations lead towards dramatic changes?
Intelligent design explains things as they are. Species were created for the enviornments they now exist in and genetic variation creates a specialization within kinds that further specializes a species. Therefore mutations have limits and cannot transcend the type of animal they were begun in as indicated by the famous genetic experiment involving fruitflies.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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