LOL #sexist

All women are rapists!

The reason is simple. Rape is the act of forcibly altering someone else's genetic control over their future offspring.

The male rapist denies women the choice of her own partner.

Well... women do the same. What do I mean, it's simple...

Females have decided, as a group, that as a male, unless you suffer for their sick desires to cause emotional and mental destruction... unless you slave away to make money in an environment destroying company to afford houses and cars for her... unless you take abuse...then you can't have any children.

The whole 80/20 thing, where 20% of the males only get to reproduce, that's how it used to be, in the caveman days.

But it changed, so that men and women had almost equal change to reproduce, during civilisation when marriage still existed. But now that women got the vote... women did the best to destroy all that. So we appear to be in a civilisation, while actually being back to the caveman days... where only a few males get to have children. It's the worst of both. Thankfully... women are doing this at their expense, and they too aren't reproducing enough.

You could say "it's just their choice". "If all women, as a group, want to avoid nice intelligent peaceful healthy good looking guys, and only choose stupid violent rats... that's THEIR CHOICE".

But I don't think so. Because the effect is of damaging the DNA of the species... to be one that is controlled by force, to have to degenerate, becoming more violent and stupid and less evolved. To have to put up with abuse.

Males raping females... causes weaker females to reproduce and more violent males to reproduce, propagating that attitude in their children too. So it is genetic degeneration.

Females raping males (forcing us to go through abuse or no children for you)... does the same. Damages the DNA of humanity causes future generations to have shittier attitudes.

But the thing is, with women, their "rape" requires ALL of them to act together. With men, it requires only a few to "act differently".

Therefore, all women are rapists.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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