TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy

Movie "The Lost Symbol" w/Tom Hanks May be "Pulled" Due to Vatican/Masonic Pressure? Up-date page 4! Video

To explain the title just briefly: Various sites during 2015 announced that Dan Brown's 3rd Sequel to "The DaVinci Code" would be released around the Christmas holidays. (I KNOW I wasn't imagining this as I penned it into my December calendar to be sure to save my sheckles to be able to afford the family tradition of viewing a good holiday film together.) Then....It's a "NO SHOW"--NO ANNOUNCEMENT, NO TRAILER, just a little blurb about Brown's "The Inferno" trumping "The Lost Symbol" for release sometime late in 2016! I was disappointed...but I was also intrigued. Had Dan Brown's bid to bring his novel to the silver screen been "deliberately pulled" by someone in the high ranks of government or the Masons?

Well, we will look at the very high probability that this "lost symbol" was, in fact, ...the Mason's own Masonic LOGO, the "Compass and The Square" (seen below.) say...HOW can the Mason's LOGO --a famous symbol we see all around us in EVERY CITY in this country--be "lost?"

THE SYMBOL is "lost" because while we all may agree on the meaning for a compass and square as architect's "tools of the trade"....that letter "G" in the center is the REAL question. Did you think it was the first letter of "God?" Or perhaps you thought it meant G-for "Good men?" And...if Dan Brown were to expose the ancient meaning for the "G"--as what it actually means in the archeological records and history of all the world's great religions - this "End-of-the-world" symbol would not only reveal the LOGO's meaning, but give everyone a very CLEAR idea of what their "agenda" in "the END times" may be! ...No wonder Brown's "The Lost Symbol" movie was shut-down! (I don't ever expect to see this movie as Dan Brown intended it to be ever grace the "Silver Screen.")

Well...the rabbit hole on THIS one is just too strange to be believed...but there it is! UDECIDE!

This is what we USUALLY see with the Mason's LOGO...We all know what that looks like.


Look very closely at the tiny symbol INSIDE THE "G" --you can see a little crescent shape, but what is that above it? ( is NOT the "All Seeing Eye!" WHAT IT MEANS could turn Freemasonry on its ear, if it were made public knowledge! Let's look!

Part 1 of this thread can be found at this link: Thread: Dan Brown's "DaVinci Code" Sequel--"Inferno" Pushes "The Lost Symbol" to back-burner! Conspiracy? See Pg. 2!


"...HEY! Did you feel that? Was that an earthquake? Is it 1,000s of people FALLING OFF the "flat"earth?" What was THAT?"

"...THAT? No...not an earthquake. That was the millions of Dan Brown fans jumping up and down at their local theaters --IN PROTEST--because his new movie about "The Lost Symbol" and the Secrets of Free Masonry has been "snuffed!"

The Free Mason's "Double-Headed Phoenix" is just one image for several "Lost Symbol" book dustjackets O.K.'d for the novel by Dan Brown. It may be a tip-off for the "target-symbol" he was hoping to bring forward to his fans. IMHO (as well as researcher, Wayne Hershel's opinion that something is very "fishy" surrounding the novel's publication) that if this WAS the symbol, Dan Brown changed it even before the publication of his novel--under PRESSURE from someone at the highest levels!

Dan Brown HAD only the "highest-hopes" for the Investigative Novel "The Lost Symbol. (So...WHAT HAPPENED?)

(Looking at the screen shot of one of the pages of "The Lost Symbol," we can see at ONE POINT Brown was "on a mission" to bring clarification of at least ONE secret end-of-the-world Masonic symbol to his fans--And NOT just as a "history lesson,"

...but AS A WARNING.)

Do we have a "conspiracy" to keep Dan Brown's material from the U.S. public? Yes, I believe there is--and the "rabbit-hole" it throws the Dan Brown Fans down, may be surprising even in their own experience with Dan Brown's investigations. Perhaps with this thread we can help Brown..."bring all hidden things to light."

A "student video assignment: "COMPOSE A TRAILER-- "an official-looking trailer" for Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" with scenes which pull from the NOVEL, "The DaVinci Code," and "Angels and Demons" to make it into Brown's most "explosive" movie yet!

THIS "trailer" has circulated on the internet as the actual Dan Brown movie-trailer, however, it is only a "student production" and THERE IS NO OFFICIAL ONE YET!



...This is the "conspiracy part"...Was Dan Brown pressured, threatened, "bought-off"...or ALL OF THE ABOVE?

Wayne Hershel comes from "stage left" with a "damning video" presentation on the movie version for "The Lost Symbol" (this was BEFORE it was "snuffed"!) For more in-depth analysis from Wayne Hershel's point of view (author of "The Hidden Records") see Part 1 of the thread here:

The very first 30 seconds of this video informs Brown fans the "smoking gun" as to WHAT Brown may have gained for deliberately derailing his "The Lost Symbol" novel and film bid. Would the "perks" of being a 33 degree Mason be worth the lost revenue from a block-buster film? It would need to be some spectacular benefits!

A screen-shot in the video of a letter FROM Dan Brown to "Free Mason's headquarters"--pretty much shows that there was a very friendly correspondence going on during the negotiations for the novel going to the silver screen in 2009 ...or MAYBE NOT. The "letter" seems over-the-top for ANY "brown-nosing" if ever there was one--so, IMO I believe this letter is DAN BROWN'S INVITATION to his OWN FANS to dig into the Free Mason if to say: "...Hey guys! I was shut-down before I expose (for YOU) the "secret lost-symbol" of the Free Masons...but it is right in plain sight in Washington D.C., if you do the homework! I put up this challenge for you you TO FIND IT...and figure out what it means...and when you find it, this "secret brotherhood" will never appear to you the same again!"

WAYNE HERSHEL'S VIDEO (opening quote): The so called "Lost Symbol of Ra"...What makes the symbol "LOST?" Dan Brown's new book ("The Lost Symbol") has the theme of the Ra symbol and he does not explain why it is lost.

I am Wayne Hershel, the author of "The Hidden Records" and this is my "take" on the Dan Brown story." END quote

Keep in mind that the "RA symbol" (the Circumpunct) may have been chosen as a "re write" to the final manuscript of "The Lost Symbol" as a red-herring. We need to consider several symbols that Brown touches upon in his book--including the pre-approved book dustjackets--for what the REAL SYMBOL may have been. Below are several symbols which Wayne Hershel proposes as the "lost symbol" we should check into (I have my own "take" using some of Hershel's images to assist later):

Several "candidate lost symbols" from Wayne Hershel's "The Hidden Records."

Not included in Wayne Hershel's list--and one that he may not even be fully "clued-in" the newly discovered symbol from Gobekli Tepe, an exact replica for the ancient Egyptian "The Argha Noa" (taken from Egypt for "the great flood" but seen as a "universal symbol for global catastrophe.")

We have to ask the question:

"If there were a "lost symbol" explosive in meaning enough for Dan Brown to turn his investigative skill to finding and exposing it...this symbol would have to reach across many cultures to have the "huge emotional impact" on a par with "The DaVinci Code." This video from researcher Danny Wilten shows us how both the "Symbol of Ra" (idenified by Wayne Hershel) and my own "Argha Noa Symbol" (as my choice for a logical candidate) share a very long tradition many 1,000s of years in past history from Mayan, Hindu and Egyptian civilizations! (Keep in mind, as well, that Wayne Hershel has already made it clear that all the 4 great world religions currently practiced on the planet embrace the constellations of Orion and Pleiades in their founding histories.)

From the ancient India "Creation Myth" we can see the "Argha Noa" incorporated into the image at the left--the body of Prajapati being the "orb" of the symbol, while the crescent at the base for the symbol would be the pillow on which he sits. While to the right of the image, we can see the "circumpunct" symbol incorporated into the "Egg" of creation. Wilten also ties-in the Mayan civilization with the symbol at the center of the pic above--the Turtle figures in prominently in their creation myth WHICH IS ALSO ORION!

continued on Post #2 and #3



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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