The logical arguments used to deny God's existence have no real foundation, because they are rooted in human logic which can only come from the conscious free will of the human soul. Hence any logical argument stems from the God given ability for humans to excercise conscious free thinking. If our brain activity was driven entirely by deterministic chemical reactions we would have no free thought and human logic would not exist.
We don't use logic to deny God's existence, we use it to point out that there is no evidence for any gods' or goddesses' existence. The burden of proof is on you.
You haven't read the Bible, have you? There isn't much in there about free will or free thinking. It's more "OBEY, or else!".
It's a good thing then that the brain activity is not deterministic...
Actually, human logic (as well as sneezing and most substances exported from Latvia) come from God's Antecedent Grand-Niece.*
Prove me wrong.
* Don't ask, it's a Divine Mystery.
Today I learned that logic can only come from a soul, therefore, my PC is alive, and I have a resurrection to perform on some older living machine. /sarcasm
Alan Burns: "If our brain activity was driven entirely by deterministic chemical reactions we would have no free thought and human logic would not exist."
Non-fundie: "You know that HOW?"
Alan Burns: "Shut up and believe in God! Or go to HELL!!"
The logical arguments used to affirm God's existence have no real foundation, because they are rooted in human logic which can only come from human rational intelligence. Hence any logical argument stems from the human ability to observe and classify real phenomenon. If a giant man with a long white beard who lived on clouds was poofing and magicing willy-nilly this human system would not work. The claim that God exists requires that the rules of logic be ignored, thus undermining and refuting the "logic" used to "prove" God exists
An unwarranted conclusion, that is, another damn circular argument. "God made our brain so we can't use those brains to deny god". Fool. I'm assuming that's the same "god" that made our right foot and our trigger finger, so try using that as a defense the next time you're hauled in for speeding or murder.
Nice try.
Now define "deterministic chemical reactions"
These would have variables if there was no set control, such as a God, and would explain what we see in the makeup of a varied society. Our chemical makeup is determined by our diet and activity and there are biological differences affecting ones ability to adapt to or burn off excesses.
Everytime you idiots wander into your perfect God driven Universe you totally miss the free will or destiny concepts by light years.
Somebody needs to look up logic in the dictionary. Like my old workmate who said "Mathematics is inherently flawed because humans invented it". Ok, he didn't say "inherently", but he meant "inherently", I just put that in there because I'm cleverer than him.
Oh sure, arguments from logic make sense but if nonsense doesn't make sense then nonsense is only sensible and logic doesn't exist and herp a derp a teedly tum.
Logic is the observation of the universe as it exists and the rules on which it operates. The existence or absence of a creator being would not affect that process unless that being were intentionally chaotic so no two results were the same. If that were the case this very conversation would be impossible because no mind could comprehend or register the distinctive existence of another and the veneration of your illogical God would be similarly hosed.
The quote has some assumptions: (1) Rooted in human logic Sun rises in the east is not logic, we can observe it every day. (2) There is no conscious free thinking. Everything is destiny. Destiny can be observed in nature, just like observing the sun. (3) Brain activity is driven by deterministic chemical reaction is an assumption.
Even if you deny soul theory, yoga, yogic power etc., the falsity of the quote can be observed - we are created by our individual souls and not by God. Both Bible and Vedas describe this same vision. This is not logic; you can observe it in nature, just like we can observe the sun.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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