Livin'4Christ #fundie

What do people think about this? As most know there is this lady in Nigeria who has been ordered to be stoned to death for having a child out of wedlock. This has caused a significant outburst from western nations worldwide arguing the ruling is inhumane, uncivilised and breaches basic human rights. Although I find decision to be somewhat "harsh" this lady bought about her own judgement. In Northern Nigeria where the sha'riah is the law, it is a well known offence to commit adultery and although the stoning will be the first time it's practised in the region the Qu'ran makes it clear it is a capital offence. So although she knew her actions might lead to her death she took the risk anyway and now under shar'iah law she is going to be punished for it. I respect the human rights groups but I really don't think they understand religion at all and are only preventing justice before Allah or God taking place. From a Christian perspective I don't necessarily think it's wrong as well. When Jesus was preaching some Jews bought him a woman guilty of adultery and asked if the men condemned her. She said no so Jesus didn't condemn her neither. However, the men in Nigeria do condemn her so it seems likely she is worthy of her death. If you ask me, I think Jesus would urge compassion towards the lady and she shouldn't be stoned to death however establishing a worldwide crusade to prevent this stoning she bought upon herself shows a lack of respect for religion.



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