Atheists have to deny all of history if they deny that Adam was a real person. They have to make up people's ancestors, which they've done by claiming that they are monkeys. That's the degree of irrationality that atheists have to descendend to deny God. No wonder they're angry and bitter.
Deny the Romans, the Greek civilisation and the secon world war to deny Adam?, do you have evidence that HE existed?, please, sources.
um, no, just no. We don't have to deny any history, you on the other hand have to deny lots of history.
I recall a conversation somewhere where someone asked a fundie, "If Noah's flood wiped out all humanity save for his family, how the heck did we get thriving, diverse communities on six continents just a few generations later?"
Carico, the bible is not a history book, so stop treating it like it is.
In fact it isn't a science textbook either, so don't try that one.
The bible is a book of fairy tales.
I don't expect you to understand, you lack the ability to think rationally.
The main reason fundies don't like evolution is because it states that Adam did not exist.
No Adam = No original sin
No original sin = no need for redemption
No need for redemption = No need for Christ
Case closed.
oh its this dude again. listen man, there are so many quality points you people could choose to make, and you ignore them just to spout of this bullshit. try thinking for once, you know, using that brain god gave you?
Fundies have to deny all of science if they claim that everyone is descended from two people. They have to make up their own rules of genetics, which they have done by invoking a supernatural force. That's the degree of irrationality the fundies have to descend to in denying evolution. No wonder they're confused and backwards.
"Atheists have to deny all of history if they deny that Adam was a real person."
No, we only have to deny the Genesis account of history.
"They have to make up people's ancestors, which they've done by claiming that they are monkeys."
No, we claim that all life share a common ancestry.
"That's the degree of irrationality that atheists have to descendend to deny God."
No irrationality is required to deny God. Irrationality is require to BELIEVE in God. That's why Matrin Luther said Christians must poke out the eye of rationaity and called reason a whore.
"No wonder they're angry and bitter."
Generally, I am not angry or bitter. Christians proclaiming that they are preaching the "truth" can make me angry.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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