The evidence for race differences in IQ has been blindingly obvious for over a century. It was accepted wisdom by the man in the street, and written about by Harvard scholars.
The complete turn-around had nothing to do with evidence. What happened was a full court press by the lying tribe to take over academia, media and government to enforce a Stalinesque thought prison against even thinking the most obvious truths. Kim Il Sung would be jaw-dropped with envy.
It was accepted wisdom by the man in the street, and written about by Harvard scholars.
So was phrenology.
What happened was a full court press by the lying tribe to take over academia, media and government to enforce a Stalinesque thought prison against even thinking the most obvious truths.
Evidence needed.
Kim Il Sung would be jaw-dropped with envy.
It's pretty clear HamletsGhost never went to Harvard.
I love when these morons cite Harvard or any other Ivy League school as their source. As if trying to make us think, "Oh, well if a smart person thinks it it must be true!"
Ignoring the fact that smart people can also be dreadfully wrong about things too.
"It was accepted wisdom by the man in the street, and written about by Harvard scholars."
So was "Vis Viva" back in the day, and other outdated pseudoscientific notions.
That there are demographic IQ average differences is indisputable. The dispute is what the CAUSE(S) are. Conservatives are hellbent on a "hereditarian" explanation - which they view as explaining differences through some groups being inferior to others, which lets society and the system off the hook of having to help uplift anyone. However, most psychologists and most evidence points more in the direction of an "environmentalist" explanation. That would certainly explain things like the Flynn Effect and why people of the same so-called "races" can have vastly different group average results in different countries (e.g. the average IQ of black Americans is higher than that of Africans, and the average for white Americans is lower than some other Western European countries).
Conservatives hate that idea because an "enviornmentalist" explanation would open the door the possibility that more programs to uplift oppressed groups can help change outcomes.
Of course when the "smart person" does disagree with them, then he or she is a tenured radical forcing communism/jihadism/multiculturalism/sexual perversion down his or her innocent students' throats. This attitude towards institutions of learning as "factories of indoctrination" - to use a Santorum phrase - when they don't need them, and the hallmark of solid respectability when they do, has always amused me.
It was accepted wisdom by the man in the street
In case you haven't noticed, the general public is full of idiots. It's also accepted wisdom that a full moon affects people's behavior here on earth. The number of people who believe something doesn't make it true or false.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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