HarborOrange #fundie christianforums.com

That life is not what we see it as. You may be sitting alone in your room. Or so you thought. There are dozens of angels and demons beside you. There is a perpetual war between good and evil going on right in front of our faces. Yet, we are too absorbed in this world to see or realize it. When you walk you are moving through a sea of spirits. There is a whole other world within this world. Why are we searching for life on other planets when there is unseen life going on all around us. You may feel it, or you may not. I know I feel demons and angels around me. If you don't believe me, then watch this

Ghost Hunters are really legitimate. They try to debunk everything. Sometimes they find things undescribable though.
Season 4 episode 13 part 3/5



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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