If you feel you married the wrong person, then you need to ask God to humble you. Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody.
* * *
Let me also say, If Jesus was willing to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death ... FOR US ... then we should follow Christ's example when our spouse does the same things to us.
Riiight - I'd like to see you just shut up and take it while your wife beats the crap out of you - and then "turn the other cheek" so she can do it some more.
Oh, it only applies to husbands abusing wives? And I should consider rejoining your religion why, exactly?
"If you feel you married the wrong person, then you need to ask God to humble you. Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody."
I have found the flaw in your idea. Most reasonable, balanced persons do not wish to be nobodys. I'm certainly not going to become a nobody to perserve a bad marriage.
"Let me also say, If Jesus was willing to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death ... FOR US ... then we should follow Christ's example when our spouse does the same things to us."
If that's what you want, I support your right to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death. It's your right, but it's lousy marriage counselling.
You go ahead and do that. I, on the other hand, will retain my dignity and sense of self-worth and choose to be with a partner who does not treat me like shit. If your Jesus chose to be beaten then I would say that he made a rather poor choice. Is that why you worship him?
If you feel you married the wrong person, then you get a divorce. Asking mythical beings to take away your self-worth is just plain stupid. Oh, and being humble is not the same thing as feeling like you're worthless. What you're promoting is sickness.
Nope, because then, the ill-treater should be ready to suffer the same from the authorities. Fair game, man, we´re not God. And by the way, in that case stop the "help we´re persecuted" because they wish you happy holidays.
Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody.
So, the solution is to destroy yourself. Getting rather close to the biblical sin of suicide there, I feel, not to mention the more obvious immorality of this. (I'm just trying to make an argument that will actually influence this asshat, and you unfortunately need to shoehorn it into the "good book" for such people)
I notice the site quotes Nietzsche's famous: "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger".
Nietzche also wrote "A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything" , "Faith: not wanting to know what is true" and that "the Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad".
Well, accordingly to the Bible fairie tale, Jesus suffered on the cross for 3 days, hardly even close to how long even the worst marriages last.
I don't know how someone can think like this, I am truly disgusted.
PS: We badly need a "You First" award. I mean really, really badly. Indeed. This guy and all of the advocates of Biblically correct slavery can line up for it.
So let me get this right.
We're created in God's image, right?
But being "somebody" is sinful. Ideally we learn to become "nobody."
Meaning God is nobody, the ultimate nobody.
You wanna try this again?
(never mind misogynist fuckwit of the week, which everyone else has taken care of admirably)
Ok, first, Jesus said spousal abouse is ok? Second, even if you take the bible literally, I don't think Jesus was ASKING to be beat up. That was a repercussion for FOLLOWING HIS BELIEFS. (Not that most Christians do, the do as they are told, apparently, by the bible or their church or their preachy friends.) Nor did Jesus consider himself a nobody. He said he was the Son of God.
WHAT PISSES ME OFF IS THAT JESUS TEACHINGS DO NOT TURN ME OFF OF CHRISTIANITY, CHRISTINAS DO. I think that if a person studied the teachings of Jesus (whether you believe he was a literal person or not) they can't find a lot wrong with the basic concepts, essentially "do unto others." But "Christians" have perverted the bible to justify absolutely anything. This guy thinks it's ok use Jesus to justify wife abuse. WOW. Plus, if you are a sinner, wife beater, child abuser, whatever, it's ok since if you accept Christ then you are forgiven. If you are a hypocrite then you are found out publicly, you just have to "find" Christ again then hold a press conference. SICK.
Ok, first, Jesus said spousal abouse is ok? Second, even if you take the bible literally, I don't think Jesus was ASKING to be beat up. That was a repercussion for FOLLOWING HIS BELIEFS. (Not that most Christians do, the do as they are told, apparently, by the bible or their church or their preachy friends.) Nor did Jesus consider himself a nobody. He said he was the Son of God.
WHAT PISSES ME OFF IS THAT JESUS TEACHINGS DO NOT TURN ME OFF OF CHRISTIANITY, CHRISTINAS DO. I think that if a person studied the teachings of Jesus (whether you believe he was a literal person or not) they can't find a lot wrong with the basic concepts, essentially "do unto others." But "Christians" have perverted the bible to justify absolutely anything. This guy thinks it's ok use Jesus to justify wife abuse. WOW. Plus, if you are a sinner, wife beater, child abuser, whatever, it's ok since if you accept Christ then you are forgiven. If you are a hypocrite then you are found out publicly, you just have to "find" Christ again then hold a press conference. SICK.
Oh yes.....if your husband (or wife) beats you, rapes you, tortures you mentally, emotionally, whatever... it's YOUR fault. Nice....how typical of you.
WOW, I was always taught that if TWO people were both putting in 100% effort to have a good marriage any two people would be happy together, but if one person isn't doing their part the marriage will fail. WOW. WHY!
And following your reasoning, we should do away with the law. After all, we all can live with psychos, no matter how they are.
His line of reasoning that somehow justifies domestic abuse in his mind reminds me of people who flog themselves to repent for their sins and feel the same pain that Jesus suffered (like Silas in "The Da Vinci Code"). When Jesus told disciples to follow His example, I really don't think He meant for them to virtually commit suicide by getting involved with people who treated them horribly and staying with them. I don't think that Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified so that we would, in turn, be crucified ourselves. This person is a horrible excuse for a human being.
If you feel you married the wrong person, then you need to ask God to humble you. Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody.
What the heck kind of advice is that? Who wants to be a nobody? Get infested by worms, you patronizing twit.
Somehow I have a problem with believing in the suffering of jesus since he knew he was coming back from the dead. People in the REAL world have one life to live and shouldn't live with abuse.
Women (and men) if you're in an abusive relationship get out. Don't bother looking back, the abuser isn't worth your time, your thoughts or you sympathy.
What a sick man you are. Your teaching on marriage is absolutely wacko and way off beam. You have NO IDEA about the truth taught by Jesus. You are NO FRIEND of Jesus, but His enemy, Mr Stewart! You will have to stand before Him and give account for your pernicious and evil lies and doctrines of demons. Repent before it's too late!
You are SICK, SICK, SICK!!!
Not surprising Dave is a abuse-apologist. I feel sorry for his most likely abused wife.
Go fuck yourself with a hand grenade David, seriously. Do society a favor.
i love miley cyrus
Jesus was willing to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death ...
Hmm,sounds like the way gay guys are treated. Hey! Ya don't suppose...Jesus? Gay? Ya think?
you need to ask God to humble you. Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody.
Yeh, yeh, yeh, dere, Edith, ya dingbat - jus' go stifle yaselfs, wouldjas?__________Archie Bunker
WOW DUDE. You say these things about AS I LAY DYING, yet mention NO good characteristics about them whatsoever. You don't show the real picture, and are biased to make them look as bad as possible, and although the quotes from the bands are correct, the ones you choose are always the ones that are not profound, and easiest to twist and accuse the people based off of what they said. Humans are not always deep and often times say things without putting much thought into it, does that mean you should stab at them with accusation and make fun of them? Judge peoples responses to IMPORTANT life questions, not little ones that don't really mean anything. AS I LAY DYING has some pretty good, mature responses in interviews, but you never ever show those. You fail. They tour with these satanic bands to reach a certain audience. It's funny how you wonder why the world is so bad and yet you never even suggest reaching out to people, only protesting gay day. You don't HAVE TO like ANY rock music, but the way you approach it is something i strongly disagree with.
I've heard of kinky sex, but crucifixion? Nah, I'll draw the line there.
By the way, if what you say is true then please ask your useless Lord to allow you to live with atheists, gays, liberals, Muslims, and just about everybody else that doesn't fit into your pathetic fundie worldview. After all, He Created them, too - didn't He?
Hey, I just lent my vintage Homelight chainsaw to your wife, who plans to dip in a mixture of sulfuric acid and formaldehyde right before she shoves it up your arse.
So when you get home, follow Christ's example by bending over and taking it like a man.
WTF... this guy is beating, mistreating, scorning, assaulting, spitting on and will eventually crucify his wife??? Poor woman... I hope she files for divorce soon or he gets arrested soon...OMFG.
It is impossible, by definition, for anyone to live with a spouse who crucifies them to death. Nobody does that anymore anyway, even the most extreme psychos (as far as I know). Analogy FAIL.
Tell that to Rush Limbaugh and a few other Conservative politicians. They should have humbled themselves and learned to be nobody's, instead of leaving their wives.
Any sane person would be appalled at living with a nobody. Sane, normal people want to interact with their spouse, they don't want a robot.
Only abusive, insecure bastards want a nobody, who they can treat just as they want.
Jesus had his moment of doubt and unwillingness too, ya know. Haven't you read the Bible, Davey?
"If you feel you married the wrong person, then you need to ask God to humble you. Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody."
Yeah, my ex-wife thought that to. She tried so hard to convince me that I was shit. But as far as giving justification to spousal abuse, you can die in a mother fucking fire, you retarded asswipe.
As Eddie Murphy would say, "Y'all a bunch of backward ass country fucks"
"If Jesus was willing to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death ... FOR US ... then we should follow Christ's example when our spouse does the same things to us."
Hmm, if Jesus was doing it for us, who would we be doing it for if our spouses were doing it to us? And what would be the ultimate purpose of this?
I am a christian but I have many atheist friends who I love and God loves them to. Please trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. Please Jesus is the Hen and we are
His chicks.
"Under His wings I am safely abiding.
Tho’ the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust him; I know he will keep me.
He has redeemed me and I am His Child.
Under His wings, under his wings, who from his love can sever?
Under his wings my soul shall abide, Safely abide forever."
I love Jesus so much!
"Anyone can live with anybody if they can learn to be a nobody."
No, I most certainly could not live with a nobody. I believe that a woman needs to fit relatively specific requirements to be together with me. I most certainly want an interesting wife - I would not be able to grow attached to a doormat.
Jesus said you should love others as you love yourself , and I am most certain he did not mean that in the sense of "hate everyone, including yourself". Rather the opposite.
Forced to turn the other cheek when it comes to alimony and child support much, Davey-boy...?!
Your ex has you by the legal balls. Good.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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