That being said, the only true freedom is in Christ. He is the only one that frees us so that we can serve Him. Funny too, He is our Lord and Master, so I guess that makes me a slave to Christ. What an awesome position for me to be in.
You probably don't even see the contradictions in your statement, do you Aaron?
One cannot be free and a slave at the same time.
The only freedom you have is the freedom to not use your brain, which you appear to indulge in fully.
so acording to you, in the eyes of your religion freedom is slavery?
well that explains a good chunk of history
"That being said, the only true freedom is in Christ."
Curious, as that relationship is often described as being the servant or slave of Christ.
"He is the only one that frees us so that we can serve Him."
As I said, curious that one is freed only to serve the liberator."
"Funny too, He is our Lord and Master, so I guess that makes me a slave to Christ."
Yeah? I don't find that particularly humorous.
"What an awesome position for me to be in."
NO, I just can't. This is just too easy.
...the only true freedom is in Christ.
...that makes me a slave to Christ.
Slavery is freedom.
Panties are boxershorts.
Darkness is light.
Doctor Whom:
Refs unpersons doubleplus ungood verging crimethink.
"... He is the only one that frees us so that we can serve Him. ..."
Thanks for the warning about his ulterior motives. I'll be sure to stay away from the deceptive, two-faced bastard.
"That being said, the only true freedom is in Ronald McDonald. He is the only one that frees us so that we can serve Him. Funny too, He is our Lord and Master, so I guess that makes me a slave to Ronald McDonald. What an awesome position for me to be in."
Can you see it now, Aaron?
> What an awesome position for me to be in.
Isn't that a little bit self-centred, even prideful? I'm sure I've heard a warning about that somewhere....
"He is the only one that frees us so that we can serve Him."
Not really, you are free to serve me too.
I like my coffee white with two sugars.
Just because it must be said again.....
I guess Orwell truly knew what he was writing about.....
That being said, the only true freedom is in whites. They are the ones that freed us so that we can serve Them. Funny too, They are our Lords and Masters, so I guess that makes me a slave to whites. What an awesome position for me to be in.
How can you not fucking see the problem?
In case anyone was wondering why there is a disconnect between intelligence and faith. It's like if Khorne the Destroyer just claimed to be Jesus, they'd believe him, even if his disguise only consisted of a fake beard.
"He is our Lord and Master, so I guess that makes me a slave to Christ. What an awesome position for me to be in."
...on your knees, sucking his Sacred Schlong.
Meanwhile, I serve only one master: Me.
Very well then, step aside and let the rest of us establish same-sex marriage as the law of the land. After all, the gospels don't record your master saying anything against it. And, if your master objects, he can certainly handle it himself.
Or perhaps you think you know better than your master and can do his work better than he can. If so, you are an arrogant and presumptuous slave. Get ready to be sold to the arena as lion food.
“That being said, the only true freedom is in Christ.”
That’s not my experience. Associating with Christ is a whole index of ’Don’t’’s. Don’t use that word, don’t read those books, don’t play those games, don’t ask such questions, don’t question our answers, don’t hang out with those people, don’t date those people, don’t seek professional help on the couch, in the bedroom, from the sickbed, in science, in astrology, in history.
"He is the only one that frees us so that we can serve Him.”
Odd idea of ‘freedom,’ there.
“Funny too, He is our Lord and Master, so I guess that makes me a slave to Christ. What an awesome position for me to be in.”
What’s his name wrote about this, freedom is slavery, that sort of bullshit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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