David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hollywood in particular is obsessed with pedophilia, which is a common theme in numerous of producer Clint Eastwood's movies. At some point in Eastwood's movies, the viewer's mind is taken to the issue of child molesting, such as in his film, “The Hereafter.” In the film, “Mystic River,” Eastwood's film portrays a Catholic priest as a psychotic ruthless child molester (a pederast). The movie centers around this dark theme until the end. What's with Hollywood's infatuation with raping and sodomizing underaged children?

It's not just Mr. Eastwood. In Tom Hanks' movies, “Forrest Gump” and “The Green Mile,” there are themes of child rape in both films. Ironically, Hollywood is a hotbed (no pun intended) of adultery, fornication, homosexuality and child abuse.

In real life, Hollywood is a Devil's playground, ground zero in the United States for child molesting, particular by film producers.



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