"Things" in the "physical world" are not necessarily "evidence" at all.
FundieLand is now open!
Up is down!
Killing is evil! Now it's okay!
Facts are actually tricks from the debble!
Unsubstanteated stories are always true; the story says so!
Evidence is a conspiracy!
God's lack of presence PROVES he exists!
If you don't believe in my god, then PROVE he doesn't exist!
How the fuck do some of these morons make it through a day and survive?
With this mindset, wouldn't they be prone to spooning their morning bowl of cereal up their asses? Do they walk backwards and then drive the car out of the garage BEFORE they open it? Do they put the dog inside to go to the bathroom? Do fundie baseball players hit the ball and then run over the catcher and umpire? Do fundie cops give themselves tickets for NOT speeding? Does Fundie Cola have a sign on the bottom that says, "Open other end"? Do they eat when they are full and sleep when they are rested?
@ Brian X, Sideshow Bob:
C'mon, dudes, give us Gnostics a break!
Gnosis has no conflict whatsoever with the physical world. Our aim is to acquire "silent knowledge" of all varieties...the populist religious paradigms don't even apply.
So what the hell is it then? If it exists, you can see it, hold it, and, if so inclined, smell it, it's pretty much real.
For the doubters:
He's a legit Christian fundie, not a troll. The quote is in the context of the validity of observational science. If a human didn't see it directly, then he won't believe it. Or so he claims.
The whole thread is a goldmine of crazy.
Well, at least this one seems open to interpretation... I mean, this kinda statement has sparked philosophical debate since the early 17th century, if not earlier.
"Things" in the "physical world" are not necessarily "evidence" at all."
'Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them'
-Obi-Wan Kenobi (Sir Alec Guinness, "Star Wars ep. IV: A New Hope")
Dude, I mean, DUDE...really? Just go home and stay there, you're stupidity will only hurt others like it has hurt me from reading this piece of crap.
Heh, only if you assume some kind of Demon God is deceiving you.
But a good God wouldn't deceive, right? So...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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