You do realise not every Israeli is a Jew? Case in point: almost 25% of Israel's population.
Not every Jew is Israeli. Cases in point: Me, Paul Erdos, Albert Einstein, Scarlett Johansson, the majority of Jews today.
There are and have been many atheist and agnostic Jews. Cases in point: Albert Einstein, Paul Erdos, Baruch Spinoza, Sigmund Freud, and even David Ben-Gurion.
Not every Jew supports Israel. Case in point: Netturei Karta.
Not every Jew--or Israeli--is a baby-killer. Case in point: Pretty much everyone in Israel.
Israel is not an "apartheid state." That claim was first made by the very person who engineered apartheid, Hendrik Verwoerd. It is a false analogy. In fact, in 1934, David Ben-Gurion told the Palestinian nationalist Musa Alami, "We do not want to create a situation like that which exists in South Africa, where the whites are the owners and rulers, and the blacks are the workers. If we do not do all kinds of work, easy and hard, skilled and unskilled, if we become merely landlords, then this will not be our homeland." In other words, they actively tried to avoid apartheid.
In addition, the comparison is insulting to those who truly suffered under apartheid in South Africa, much like how the "white genocide by outbreeding" claim by white nationalists insults those who actually were victims of genocidal acts. The non-Jewish minority has full voting rights and is protected by anti-discrimination laws. Whereas no blacks were on the South African Supreme Court, an Arab Christian by the name of Salim Joubran has served on the Supreme Court since 2004. Still not convinced that Muslims are completely denied representation? Look up Abdel Rahman Zuabi, who had a nine-month term in 1999.
Israel's Declaration of Independence calls for all Arabs to have equal citizenship. In fact, Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset and are members of the important Israeli political parties.