Liberal claptrap is expensive : "the average college student at a public school spends about $1,200 a year on textbooks," a cost that has increased by 82% over the last decade alone. The Bible is free online, and more beneficial. [Emphasis original]
Ah, I see.
You're too cheap and lazy to seek knowledge outside the bible.
That may explain a few things...
Personally, I think textbooks are more interesting.
Even if affording them out of my own pocket would be a bit difficult for me. *sigh*
I wouldn't have a masters degree if I'd tried that.
Andy, go and play in the traffic, there's a good boy.
"Anyone know a biblical architect who works in cubits?"
"Riiiiight. What's a cubit?" -- Moses to Yahweh, as told by Bill Cosby
Bible is free online, and more beneficial
I'd like to be in the room when Schlafly is delivered to the hospital emergency room with a ruptured appendix and the doctor comes in carrying a Bible saying "ok, let's see what it says here about what to do ..."
Reminds me my visit in Warsaw, with my father-in-law. There was an exposition about "time seen by artists". I didn't wans to go because it was time to come back. He didn't want to go because he knew what the Bible said about Time, and it was enough for him.
At least, we didn't fight about the planning. But well.....
So sayeth the Harvard grad, who's education was paid for by all the stupid hicks mama conned into sending in donations. Sadly people buy into this bullshit, when it's fed to them by their pastors, or favorite Tea Party candidate, all of whom spare no expense to send their own children to the best schools. Education is not for the peasants, just the upper middle class and better.
Ah, but which Bible? I haven't heard that you finished that Conservative Bible yet. So are the students supposed to KJV, NEB, RSV?
Regardless of the translation, however, I don't think the Bible is going to be useful in a class on introductory calculus, botany, 19th Century American Literature, or any other college-level course.
There's a good argument to be made against the gratuitous costs of textbooks.
Andy didn't make that argument.
He threw in his favorite phrase, "liberal claptrap", and then said something ridiculous about the Bible being more beneficial.
@Da Rat Bastid
Shame that comedian turned out to be a rape-monster. He was SO FUNNY. He used to be my fave comedian. So quotable, too!
Why did him....of all people....turn out to be a serial rapist?! WHY WHY WHY?!!!
I wish I could separate the art from the artist and usually that's what I do when the art's great but the artist is gross....but with Cosby, that's almost impossible!
My ability to enjoy that guy's awesome comedy & storytelling will be forever marred by the recent revelations that he's been a sicko sexual predator for years.
Thanks, Cos...for being a complete slimeball.
Anyone here feel the same?
$1,200 a year on textbooks wouldn't even be an issue for anybody if the states funded most of the college tuition like they did back in the 50's or so. But noooo, can't do that, that's commie socialism, huh, Shitfly?
The high cost of textbooks is what happens when publishers have a monopoly. When a professor assigns a particular book, they assign that book, and their class of possibly up to, say, 100 students between all the versions of that class, has to buy THAT book. Easy money. Some professors will even be offered incentives by the textbook company to put up a particular book.
My best professors, I noticed, tended to require cheaper books, some of which were anthologies that I kept after the class was done.
Books cost money? Oh the humanities!
But seriously, while high textbook costs are a legitimate complaint about college, high or low (or no) cost does not indicate truthfulness.
Some of the best scientific journals are open access, some of the worst are too. Cost has very little to do with quality of writing in this day and age.
But if some people don't talk like they swallowed a sociology textbook, they must be evil oppressors! Never mind how expensive their gender studies stuff is, it's a sign of privilege to not know what they're talking about!
"The Bible is free online, and more beneficial"
Then please point out in the Bible where it mentions how to design a 4K NVRAM .
Not seeing the words 'Made by God' on the packaging for the 64 Gb Micro SD card I bought today, therefore...!
Not to defend overblown textbook prices (1200$ on Textbooks per year? Do these things have book covers made out of gold and hand drawn illustrations made by a tenured professor of that subject?) but I think the actual textbooks are a bit more helpfull than the bible, since I rather doubt the bible is going to tell much about, lets say, aerodynamics, quantum physics or chinese history of the 16th century.
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