@ Thinking Allowed: no, it's dumber than that. It's dumber than any of us could possibly imagine. This isn't your ordinary everyday stupidity, in fact--this is ADVANCED stupidity.
It's so stupid, it's actually beautiful.
....and I spent an hour responding to it. :-\ So, anyway...
Let's assume your Adam actually literally existed for a second (He didn't and neither did the Garden of Eden but that's neither here nor there).
Did Adam EAT? Did he require food that had to be broken down both mechanically and chemically before he could actually absorb the nutrition he needed? If so, he would have to chew it, wouldn't he? You can't avoid swallowing at least some air when you chew and swallow.
That air had to have been expelled somehow, right?
Belching doesn't get rid of all of it.
And during the course of chemical digestion, plenty of simpler chemicals get created out of more complex ones. Not everything is digestible. That gets passed along to the colon for expulsion, unless you're seriously suggesting that Adam and Eve were fucking magical, or built like cheese mites (which would be an interesting take on the fundie idea that they were like twenty feet tall--they might have been that tall AND that WIDE if they were). Some of that swallowed air gets passed into the colon. And unless their guts were completely sterile, there's plenty of symbiotic bacteria--which we actually need--that ferment some of the gut contents and produce methane and other chemicals as byproducts. Some of those chemicals are biologically useful to us, even if they do stink to high heaven.
We're just now beginning to understand the interaction between our gut flora and its effects on our health.
But the excess gas has to go somewhere, and plenty of animals and plants don't mind the pungent aroma--even if it's not useful to us, it still gets used by something.
The Garden was a full ecology.
Everything gets recycled so that something else gets a chance to use it.
Plant life doesn't mind if the nitrates and mineral compounds they use came out of something's rectum. Anaerobic bacteria think the sulfur compounds in something's shit are just dandy. Dung beetles see a fresh turd as an opportunity to start a new family. Aesthetics are in the compound eyes of the beholder.
So unless basic chemistry didn't exist, yeah, he'd have farted. God wanted "perfect," not "aesthetically pleasing to humans," after all.