Remember all the liberals who claimed the Virginia Tech shootings were due to guns or mental insanity, and how Conservapedia suggested that ideology and the school curriculum were causes?
Guess what: a Virginia Tech student just decapitated another student, using a knife in a cafe.
"Remember all the liberals who claimed the Virginia Tech shootings were due to guns or mental insanity, and how Conservapedia suggested that ideology and the school curriculum were causes?
Guess what: a Virginia Tech student just decapitated another student, using a knife in a cafe."
A nonsequitur, and a very tasteless one at that. It doesn't help that the phrasing made me think of Cluedo.
As a progressive liberal I've always petitioned to register all the knives. In fact, all bladed instruments, everything with any kind of an edge on it*, and all the pointy things.
Even Barlow knives.
*Just last week I heard about a student receiving a nasty paper cut in the library. These things are out to get us.
Your.. Point?
(No pun intended)
So, Virginia Tech is mind controlling people? I don't get Assflys logic.
Wait, there is no logic to get.
Because he is a potato.
Your point, aside from the fact that you are proving you have all the class of a mentally deficient dingo, would be what? If what you were saying is true, then why is it only 2? I would think the issue would be endemic by now, would it not?
Which is proof of what exactly, Andy boy?
You fundies may choose to make your own lives a fucking misery, but if you're representing your god when you delight in the misery of others then all you are doing is strengthening the atheist cause. So carry right on being utter arseholes.
"guns or mental insanity"
Wow can I be an analyst to?
Guns AND insanity!
Where's my legal analyst big bucks?
This new case?
Knife and insanity! Case closed, he's a nutter with a knife.
"Conservapedia suggested that ideology and the school curriculum were causes "
And Aschlafly says this with knowing NOTHING of the "ideology and the school curriculum"
Nutter with a web site.
I'm betting the knife wielder was raised a good Christian and was still a church goer. Most nutters are and do.
Other evidence, Aschlafy didn't label him as an Atheist, this is their go to tactic on these cases unless a week or so has gone by and they don't want it looked into after police reports are out.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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