"A logic-based proof of God demonstrates God's existence by reference to logic. This approach recognizes strong the connection between logic and God, and how the Bible can be understood as a book of logic.
Uniqueness of logic proof
The uniqueness of logic proof is as follows:
Logic is unique, such that contrary systems of logic are impossible."
"Logic, logic, logic. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end." - Captain Spock, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
First, classical logic is not complete, as evidenced by the existance of antinomies (paradoxa that are really impossible to resolve, such as "this statement is false"). And indeed, there are some theories of logic that differ from classical logic in fundamental ways. such as Fuzzy Logic (which allows for more truth values than simple "true" or "false", e.g. "cold, cool, warm, hot"); But in the end, there are still Gödel's incompleteness theorems.
Secondly, a logical conclusion can only be as valid as it's premises. Logic is only concerned with the reasoning, not with the content.
Premise I: All days are acoustic.
Premise II: Andrew Schlafly is a day.
Conclusion: Andrew Schlafly is acoustic.
"The existence of God is logical.
Therefore God exists."
Andrew Schlafly being acoustic is logical. (see above!)
Therefore, Andrew Schlafly is acoustic.
"Uncertainty proof
The uncertainty proof is as follows:
Uncertainty pervades the physical world.
Logic is free of uncertainty."
The world seems rather self-consistant, actually. And as said above, logic is useless without data.
"Logic, therefore, does not come from the physical world."
Logic was invented by humans. Also, it was not the Bible that first formalised logic; it was the great Aristoteles, who died more than three centuries before Jesus was born.
"Logic must come from something perpetual that is free of uncertainty."
Why does the source of logic have to be perpetual? Why could it not have entered this world and survived not long enough to transmit logic to a human mind?
"This we call 'God'."
I guess one could do so.
However, even than, that would not mean that God is sentient, is sapient, cares about the physical world, cares about life, cares about life on a particular planet, cares about one species, cares about specific individuals, takes action within the world, and is omnipotent. Further, that it has successfully communicated with a specific population of humans over the course of centuries, that they accurately recorded these communications, that you have these records, or that your interpretation of these records are correct.
Conclusion: Your logic is fallacious.