I would 10,000 times rather teach my children what Fred Phelps is teaching kids today, than to teach them what sickos like Oprah Winfrey are teaching them... Oprah says... If your little daughter wants to be a boy... let her! Oprah Winfrey is of the Devil. She actually encourages parents to support their children's desire for sex-change surgery when they get older. This is just sickening! Please read, How to Prevent Homosexuality in Children, by Pastor Jack Hyles. I wrote this article to encourage parents to TEACH their children about the Bible, sin, and how to survive in the crazy world we live in today. Children desperately need to be taught that homosexuality is a sin, because God in His Holy Word says so (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32; 1st Corinthians 6:9; Jude 1:7). There is NO controversy if you believe the Bible.
Proverb 22:6 instructs parents to, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This is not to say that a child won't ever go into sin and break our heart as parents. What it DOES mean is that the foundation has been laid. The building may burn to the ground one day (hopefully not), but as long as there is a firm foundation, the house can be rebuilt.
It's Good to Hate, If You Hate Sin
Here we go again..cherry pick the bits you agree with..ignore the rest..
Train a child up? What if it didn't work..
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. -- Deuteronomy 21:18-21
Your bible is a pile of steaming shit and I would sooner raise children in the wild than use it as a guide. Not that I had to. I resorted to common sense and love. It worked out just fine.
As for trans-gendered individuals, neither you, nor Fred Phelps, or the ignorant Bronze Age nomads who wrote your Old Testament know anything.
Resorting to the Bible on any 21st century topic is like pointing at a cave painting when discussing internal combustion engines.
there is a difference between someone who is transsexual and someone who is homosexual. i hate it when people judge these children, they have no idea what's going on with them. they don't know what they're feeling or what their thought processes are. these poor children feel different from a young age. i can't imagine what it's like for them to live everyday feeling like your trapped in a body that's not yours...
"It's Good to Hate, If You Hate Sin."
Good. I hate you.
How much do you hate your own sin?
Don't have any to hate? Then you obviously don't need Jesus.
This guy is bonkers. I composed an e-mail but realized his rational thinking has been long gone. I went through his website and it sickens me. Hopefully he does not have children. If he does I must have missed it scrolling through.
Hey, David! You may lay a foundation but when a person is old enough they explore the world and realize your rantings are BS. You like Phelps and Hyles? That says tons about you and none of it is good. Go to hell you hateful, miserable excuse of a human.
[I would 10,000 times rather teach my children what Fred Phelps is teaching kids today...]
[There is NO controversy if you believe the Bible.]
In other words...ignore everything but the Bible. Fundyism in a nutshell.
[It's Good to Hate, If You Hate Sin]
THIS is what you want to teach to children???
I'd rather share a room with a dozen trannies then one fundie. just saying.
Who wouldn't??? Am I right, guys?
I would say you just lost all credibility with me, but that would assume that ever had any, Dave. Anyone who claims to be a Christian and advocates anything said by that piece of human slime, Fred Phelps, is a disgrace to Christians everyewhere and should lose any attempt at claiming any relationship to Jesus what-so-ever. Then, as if this proof of your lack of Christian values wasn't enough, you add total hypocrisy to your list of sins by suggesting that someone read Jack Hyles, a known adulterer and philanderer about sexual sin? Hell yes he knows all about it, the son of bitch has done it! And YOU are the asshole who keeps pounding on others about adultery???? You are a worthless self-righteous slimeball with no claims to religion or morality.
If your little daughter wants to be a boy... let her!
Right. Scream at the immoral harlot for wanting to interfere with God's plan, so she slashes her wrists out of shame for not being able to suppress her ungodly urges. That's SO much better. Way to save her from hellfire.
It's good to Hate...
Wow, that really does sum up the Fundie Creed, doesn't it?
And yes, Fek'lhr, I would rather spend my time with transgendered people then with fundies...Hell, at least you could have an intellegent conversation.
10,000 times? Did the math? Did what math? How does one establish how much more one would rather teach something to one's children than teach something else to them? How does ol' Dave know it's not 10,002 or 9,993?
god wants you to hate, obviously. Nothing to you is 'good' unless god approves it. Ergo, god is hate.
Hate your parents and tribal elders for turning you into a hateful fucktard, Stewart.
I was brought up that way. It was repeatedly hammered into my head that homosexuality is evil, AIDS is divine punishment for being gay, etc. Guess what? I'm bisexual.
Somehow, I just don't think your clever plan is going to work awfully well.
Proverb 22:6 instructs parents to, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This is not to say that a child won't ever go into sin and break our heart as parents. What it DOES mean is that the foundation has been laid. The building may burn to the ground one day (hopefully not), but as long as there is a firm foundation, the house can be rebuilt.
In other words, a part of Scripture so ridiculous that not even you can accept it needs to be "interpreted correctly," while the parts that you like are to be read literally. Not that you take a salad-bar approach to the Bible, of course.
You mean there are two people in the world that you DON'T hate??????????????????
Unfortunately, they're Fred Phelps and Jack Hyles.
Hm. Fred Phelps, an abusive, lying sack of shit. Jack Hyles, a cheating, hypocritical sack of shit. Great role models you got there, Davey boy.
Okay, this one pissed me off in more ways than usual.
2) Transsexuality and homosexuality are two completely different things. Furthermore, teaching children that either of them is sinful is neither mandated by the Bible (it says nothing about either except to condemn gay sex, which was likely a response to gay rape as committed by primitive cities like Sodom and Gomorrah and should not be held to apply to loving relationships) nor beneficial to them, as if they feel they are trans or gay, they will feel conflicted either between what they feel and what they have been taught or between what they believe and you love, and if they are not trans or gay, they will likely develop bigoted, homophobic personalities that will ultimately harm themselves and everyone around them.
3) God in His Holy Word also says or implies that the Earth is flat, that insects have four legs, that pi = 3, and that eating shellfish is a sin. You know what's never controversial? Rational thinking.
4) Hate is not a family value.
"'Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.' This is not to say that a child won't ever go into sin..."
Actually, I'm pretty sure that's EXACTLY what it says.
I just wanted to say that I am probably the only liberal female on earth who refuses to watch Oprah's show. I don't think she's "evil" or "sinful", though, just annoying. It's probably a carry-over from my childhood.
This is just sickening! Please read, How to Prevent Homosexuality in Children, by Pastor Jack Hyles.
Is Jack Hyles the one who said that you should take a shower with your son so that you can explain to him what a penis is for? That would seem more scarring and scaring away from sex than "how to be A MAN !"
While being scared away from sex might be a good thing for Fundamentalists, I assume they don't want them to be scared of it forever, so that them wimmins can start poppin' out babies good.
Not that they could ever be allowed to talk about it, either way.
Just over the course of one day, I've come to loathe this man so damn much .
If anyone ever deserved to be forcefully castrated with a jar of salt and a wet cat with untrimmed claws, its him.
Oh yeah, it would be terrible if we all supported and loved our kids. [/sarcasm]
@ Mystical Chicken: You're not the only one. Me and my Mom, as well as many of my friends, don't watch Oprah either.
"It's Good to Hate, If You Hate Sin." If it's good to hate, am I allowed to hate aplogists for Fred Phelps, and sicko's like David J - what with his fixation with little girls, for that matter?
David supports Fred phelps teachings? HAHA David I hope you know you are actually supporting Freddy Krueger. Fred Phelps is an evil evil evil evil man like Krueger.
I just got a call from Freddy Krueger, he wants me to pass on this message to you "hey I'm offended that you compaired me to that scum! sure I may be a horrible undead child molesting and killing monster but I'm an ENTERTAINING horrible undead child molesting and killing monster so unlike Phelps, Stewart and Hyde I at least contribute SOMETHING to this planet"
I agree with David on being Born again...since it is what *Jesus* said but I cannot believe David a "humble" sinner supports phelps the BIGGEST FALSE PROPHET OUT there who thinks God is happy when homosexuals die. That is very wrong. And a very horrible thing to say. God is not happy at all when they die. People like Phelps give a bad name for Christians everywhere. Even if I am not a fan of Oprah I rather have her teach my children instead of the sanctimonious and pharisaical Phelps. Phelps is a PIG!!!! *Jesus*, wept over the unbelief of people, He didn't hate them like Pastor Fred Phelps of Kansas City does.
The training bit sounds utterly scary... You know David, that you'll be forcing the child you so much love, possibly (most likely) be something that s/he doesn't want to be? And what if they don't fall for your rants? Whip and chains next?
"The foundation has been laid" sounds badly like indoctrination. *shivers*
David, you're an ass. Bye.
The Bible also says not to eat the flesh of swine, nor to mix dairy with meat. Yet thousands - if not millions - of Christians eat bacon cheeseburgers every day.
The Bible says not to cut your hair or beard, yet millions of short-haired, clean-shaven Christian men walk around unashamed. (Leviticus 19:27)
People pick and choose what they want to follow in the Bible all the time. Like you!
Did you not know that back than men did not wear pants either? Men wore robes, and women wore dresses. Neither man or woman wore pants, so no passage possibly states that women should not wear pants.
So therefore David your not only wrong but demented...
Congratulations, you're now on the list of people I'll be fighting come Armaggedon, not matter if we share a side. You, the Phelpses, Vox Day, and Joseph Kony are the folks I'll be facing on the day of wrath.
Trust me, if I didn't have a conscience or a sense of self-preservation, I wouldn't wait for the Second Coming -- I'd challenge you all now.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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