Is Justin Bieber gay? Jesus said that a person who hates is a murderer. Jesus said that a person who lusts is an adulterer. Thus, anyone who looks gay, talks gays and acts gay is a homosexual in their heart. Of course Bieber is gay!
A few points:
First, it's possible to be gay without being mincing, effeminate or "camp".
Second, people need to drop the use of the word "gay" as some sort of insult. Being gay isn't something to be ashamed of. (Being a Justin Bieber fan, on the other hand..)
Given how many of David's posts are literal rants about all the things he hates, Jesus must have a special place in hell for him. According to Jesus, David is mass murderer on a level that Stalin never dreamed of being.
Nothing wrong with being gay.
Now, on the other hand, raping little girls is downright evil. You're in no position to be preaching about how evil everyone else is, you goddamned pedophile.
Oh, yeah. He's flaming , all right. That's why he got hit with a paternity suit from one of his female fans, not long ago.
(/sarcasm mode)
Thus, anyone who looks gay, talks gays and acts gay is a homosexual in their heart.
Thank you for clearing that up.
I just knew Rick Santorum was gay. Now I can be sure.
No wonder he always shoves his wife and kids in front of the camera: compensation! over-compensation!
So let me get this straight (no pun intended). This guy is not only a massive hypocrite, but also fails at establishing basic causal relationships, and he expects us to take him seriously?
Oh, wait. I forgot; he's a Fundie. I retract the previous statement.
Stewart gives examples of two actions that *can't* be seen, hating and lusting, and goes on to say that the *visible* actions of a person prove that they are gay... he can't even follow his own logic.
Not that I'm disbelieving of the idea that JBiebs might be gay, but if he is that shouldn't make any difference. Besides, why take a snipe at his alleged sexuality, which he can't help anyway, when his painful music and immature, douchey persona are such easy targets?
"Thus, anyone who looks gay, talks gays and acts gay is a homosexual in their heart."
You mean like that Jim Haggard dude?
1) I have no idea if Bieber is gay and, like most people who aren't fans of his, I don't care. I would question why you do.
2) You're talking about stereotypes that have little in common with reality. Looking and talking gay (whatever that means) doesn't make someone gay. Being romantically and sexually attracted to their own gender is what makes someone gay.
3) You just tried to use a Biblical rationale for not liking someone's music. Seriously.
Given that you are religious, and a sex offender (seems increasingly interchangeable these days), why should anyone listen to you, Stewart?
"Jesus said that a person who hates is a murderer"
Considering the amount of hatred you and your ilk have towards unbelievers and homosexuals, you might want to think about shutting up David. Unless you are saying Jesus is wrong. Or you use some sort of twisted mindset to say you aren't hateful (which is highly doubtful you'll convince anyone even yourself) to say what you are thus making you a hypocrite. Choose well Stewart. Because either Jesus is wrong and thus you are or you are a hypocrite and a rather hateful one
Looking and talking gay (whatever that means) doesn't make someone gay
Ebon, looking and talking gay is in fact a way that some Gay people make a living in entertainment. By doing camp and drag comedy routines. The humor is the tension it has with reality. The entertainer Queens.
There are camp people who want to be seen. And this brings in the whole question of "look at me, look at me, I'm exactly like you are"
It is 'illogical'.
"look at me" because I'm Usain Bolt - world's faster sprinter has something to back it. "look at me" because "I want sex with my gender" doesn't make the same sense at all.
@the real Phillip-George:
Yeah, some gays are camp. You yourself admit it's all entertainment. Obviously gay people don't behave like that in their ordinary lives, so what does it matter to you?
@the fake one:
If you're going to mock the man, could you at least do it intelligently?
Thus, anyone who looks gay, talks gays and acts gay is a homosexual in their heart.
Are you talking about Michelle Bachmann's husband?
Holy shit. Congrats, Dave, as you just lost all the respect I had for you. Yes, I know there was none to start, but you lost it anyway.
Truly irrefutable logic there. Mathematicians are openly weeping at the beauty of such a stunning proof.
PG, you didn't even address Ebon's point.
Ebon: Not all X are Y
PG: Some Y act very X!
You see, that's not actually any sort of a counterargument. It's like if I said "not all birds are blue" and your counterargument was "well, some birds are very blue!" That doesn't disprove the notion that there are non-blue birds.
Stats don't lie, statisticians can obscure facts however.
Its the percentage of Y in X I'm on about.
thanks all the same Zagen. Ebon won't hear you if it involves me. He is determined to follow bitchface5 with "not listening" and don't feed the trolls meme. [trolls are anyone who disagrees with you]
Wehpudicabok, pickle-talk is just par the course for the Pod People of Gaytopia. Thieves will be thieves.
They know who they are and own what they do. Criminal/identity thieves.
Insert meme. Claim victory. Goose step along like Sigmund Freud following herr führer.
Sir Mix-a-Lot had it right.
Character assassination much?
Let's have the proof, or perhaps someone, in True Christian love, should send Bieber a copy of what you have just posted and let his see if he want to sue.
Of course most normal people couldn't care less if Bieber is gay of not. Not all of us share David J. Stewart's prurience.
BTW, Davy, your hatred is showing through. It's the electric chair for you.
Unless he has proof, WTF is he doing making libelous statements about people's sexuality?
Does the crime of "libel" exist in the USA, or does the first Amendment trump it?
@ Mihangel apYrs:
It's slightly complicated. You can sue someone for slander/libel, but you have to prove that the statement was a) untrue, b) defamatory or damaging to you, and c) said with malice or intent to harm you.
Basically speaking, he'd have to go to court and argue that either Stewart's little rant had cost him money somehow (such as lost revenue from sales or concerts or whatever), or put him through some kind of extreme emotional distress warranting a boatload of money in return. He'd also have to prove that Stewart knew he wasn't gay and was saying he was specifically to ruin his reputation - and it's easy to say that's probably true, but quite another to prove it in court.
In short, it'd be a pain in the ass over somebody who really isn't that important in the long run. I doubt many Bieber fans are big into conservative loon bloggers.
@Jamaican Castle
What you say is true only for the US. In Canada and England (where the laws invite libel tourism), the assumption is that the statement is defamatory, whether or not it was intended to be so, unless the respondent can prove otherwise. It would still be a pain in the ass to have to go to court but it may be worth his while; Liberace successfully sued a British newspaper in the 1950s for hinting that his campness was a sign that he was gay. On the other hand, David J. Stewart may not have the money to pay damages let alone Justin Bieber's legal fees should Bieber win.
Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore. If you're gay, everybody hates you. You can't even check someone out without being afraid someone will see you and being ashamed afterward. So I tried therapy, but no one seemed to understand that I don't just want to be OK with it - I want it to go away. I hate it. I'm completely out and still completely miserable. I feel like my options are rapidly dwindling - down to one. I want to be like you guys and laugh about it, but it's starting to look like I never will.
Let's see--the pope wear's dresses, the equivalent of a silly party hat, and is proud of the fact he's never had a romantic relationship with a woman, and he hangs around pretty much exclusively with a lot of other men who wear dresses,silly party hats and are proud of the fact they've never never had a romantic relationship with a woman...
Yup. The Pope is gay in his heart.
@ Jgc
Catholics are one of the many, MANY groups of people who Stewart admittedly hates. He would probably agree with you, and add that the pope is a Satanist and a sponsor of terrorism.
If he accused the pope of being a pedophile though, that would be too much irony to bear.
Is David J. Stewart an inferior subhuman? Jesus said that a person who hates is a murderer. Jesus said that a person who lusts is an adulterer. Thus, anyone who looks ugly:
Talks ugliness and acts ugly is an inferior subhuman.
Is David J. Stewart a paedophile? Jesus said '[i]Suffer[/i] little children, to come unto me. '
Of course David J. Stewart is a worse -than inferior subhuman!
If a picture paints a thousand words, then yours completely buries P-G & his claims of gay men 'lacking testosterone' under more volumes than the British Library and the Library of Congress could possibly contain.
Keep up the visual Argument Annihilation. It fair brings a tear to the eye of this 'ere Debate Destroyer. b^_^d
Isn't Bieber a fundie himself? At the least the Canadian version, which means he smokes pot, has sex with Selena Gomez, and goes to church every week.
Nice to know that you hate gays so much. Guess what, David! Gays hate you too, just as much as we all do! I don't like Justin Bieber either, but still, stop bashing gays! being gay is NOT a choice; some people were born gay; were you born hateful? Oh, wait---you were born hateful, so YESIREE!!! I went to school with gays and they've been so nice to me. Now grow up, get a life, get a (real) job and GET A GIRLFRIEND!!!
Dave-boy; very few people hate as much as you do, which means that according to Jesus, you're a murderer. If rumors are true, you're lusting after (very) young women, so in that case you're an adulterer too.
Does it matter whether Bieber is gay or straight? It only matters to himself and the person he's dating, really.
All sin came from Adam and Eve, after they have disobey God. That includes anything that isn't heterosexual. However the Lord know that people didn't choose to become gay or bi, but they choose to have sex with the same sex or both, so He doesn't punish people for begin gay or bi. But hates the fact that they are having sex. Well I hope the Hebrew God has lots of eye bleach and a blindfold.
Jesus said that a person who hates is a murderer
David J. Stewart should probably be wanted on genocide charges, considering his entire site is just hatred spewed out against basically every group on the planet.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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