"If I'm wrong"
The operative word here being 'If.'
[/Spartan Laconic Wit]
"and Jesus was just a man"
Have to prove he actually existed first. Ramses II existed. There's infinitely more documented facts known about him. Oh, and an actual body doesn't hurt his case, re. said existence, neither. So in a way, he has achieved immortality; not for nothing is he known as ancient Egypt's greatest pharaoh. And of course, one is spoiled for choice, in the case of what's known about ancient Roman emperors & other important figures of that historical era.
Jesus? Not so much as a stitch of clothing (PROTIP: the 'Shroud of Turin'? It was proven to be nothing more than a medieval fake years ago), a single artifact known to have been owned by him, or even a drop of blood or skin cell that can be DNA analysed or at least carbon-dated. There's not even a single description of him. And more importantly, not one single quote by him, via a non-Biblical source. Why, with this lack of actual direct evidence, it's extremely easy to conclude that this 'Jesus' of yours isn't to be 'feared' at all - but not even given a second thought, as one would with any non-fiction character in every other work of literature, such as Harry Potter or Superman.
So not so much a case of we Atheists' being 'afraid' of this 'Jesus' you speak of, more like looking askance at you and saying 'Who?!'
"than why are you so afraid of His name?"
There's many Latinos named Jesus. If I were to meet any the next time I travel to the US, I very much doubt they being named thusly would give me cause to be afraid of them (I'm sure they're all good decent men, if one has the opportunity to meet them; there's simply extremely few from Central/South America here in the UK, outside of the relevant embassies/consulates in London. And none in my locale).
"Dear athist, Jesus Christ, is God, You're afraid, of what?, Why should you be afraid of it, if it's a "lie"
Well, simply produce this 'Jesus' of yours to me - in hard, solid, physical form to me - here and now, and we'll see if I'm 'afraid' of him. If you can. Oh, and him also holding a piece of cake, so's I can determine whether or not he's a 'lie':
(although if Jesus looked like a bespectacled, female, human embodiment of Wikipedia*, I'd be far more impressed! :3 )
...oh, and judging by your level of literacy, if 'athist' is the best you can do, then give us just one good reason why we should listen to you in the first place? Least of all acknowledge anything you say, and expect such to be 'believed' in the first place eh, Daniel?
Seems that the only ones who are afraid are you fundies. You fear we Atheists and what we, armed with our scientific facts based on evidence, represent: the terrifying alternative to your so-called 'beliefs and 'faith'; that you're deluded - if not by others, then yourself - into 'believing' otherwise (born of your denial of the facts we represent, thus you daren't think otherwise): That we're right, and you're wrong: a 'soul' doesn't exist (because there's no evidence to prove the existence of such, natch), thus no 'Afterlife' and therefore a God/Jesus doesn't exist. And that, ultimately, you'll end up like we Atheists: cold and rotting in a box. Dead. Finito. Goodnight Vienna.
Two Words, Danny-boy: Occam's Razor.
*- Miyuki from "Lucky Star" is such a trivia & factoid fiend, in some circles she's known as 'Miwiki.'