CT Yank #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How to spot a shill in a chemtrail thread

There are 2 asshats out here (prob more) that actually admit to working in the airline indsutry and have taken it upon themselves to attack any and all chemtrail threads.

In light of recent global climate BS in Paris, it appears to me that the whole chemtrail idea must be beaten down. Because if the chemtrail truth came out then all would realize that any issues with the climate is due to the chemtrails.

But don't tell these asshats this, they conduct basic attacks.
Ad-hominem attacks is the basic rule, call the OP names, and degrade. They put up very loose arguments which actually end up detracting from the truth, which is also a classic manuever.

On a site where I want to meet folks who are on the same wavelength, who understand things and realize the enemy.
On this site, it is sad, to see the infiltration of the enemy. Of course this isn't new news. We all know this place is run or monitored by some alphabet agency.

So please let us all start as many chemtrail threads as possible to drown out the poor attempts of a few asshats on this site who are shills against the whole idea.




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