reptoid puncher #conspiracy
One of the many vile things reptoids do when they latch on to humans is the manipulation of their hosts natural instincts - one of which happens to be the one that causes causes sexual attraction. (This by itself isn't a bad thing as it's required for us to exist as a species - this is the way God intended it). Reptoids when latched on to humans are known to manipulate the sexual instinct of their to cause obsessive, bizarre sexual behaviours, some of which are sexual obsessions.
Porn actors are 100% victims of reptoid infestation. This is proven by the fact that normal humans do not want to be seen in the nude by strangers. Yet under the influence of the reptoid parasites, they willingly strip in front of the film crew and perform sexual acts with a comlete stranger - almost as if they were doing it with lawful spouses in the privacy of their bedrooms. The reptoids have turned porn actors into mindless drones. Eventually the porn actors, as hosts, lose their souls and the reptoid being take over their bodies completely.
Porn addicts are also victims of reptoid infestation. The reptoids have convinced an entire generation of hosts that obsessive "fapping", porn collecting is absolutely fun and healthy.
Deviant sexual behaviour is also 100% the result of reptoid manipulation of human instinct. This applies to everybody involved in homosexuality, transvestism, bestiality, pedofilia etc. Sex in nature is solely between male and female; this is true across all animal species that are comprised of male and female members. The parasitic reptoids have the ability to re-program their hosts natural sexual settings, causing deviant sexual behaviour.
Why are reptoids doing this? They do it because of their dark natures and hatred for humanity. Reptoids desire to corrupt humanity and remove them from God, our Defender. Reptoids are also known to use human hosts to corrupt others. The elites (who themselves are reptoid hosts) use pornography and free-sex ideologies to break down the family system and in turn society itself. This is why everything from movies to music to advertising is hyper-sexualized. We are living in an age where large parts of the population are hosts to reptoids - this is the closest we are going to come to a zombie apocalypse.