In a video posted to Twitter by AJPlus, weekend warriors in Texas explain that they will be using bullets dipped in pigs blood or smeared with bacon’ grease when the time comes to stop the “Arab uprising” they believe will overrun their state.
In the video, one unidentified militia member explains the importance of using pork-dipped bullets.
“A lot of us here are using either pig’s blood or bacon grease on our bullets, ” he explains, adding, “So that when you shoot a Muslim they go straight to hell. That’s what they believe in their religion.”
Added another militia member, “Don’t f*ck with white people,” before showing off his shooting prowess with a shotgun.
Thirteen centuries of religious conflicts, yet it took a bunch of wannabe warriors far away from the Islamic world to figure out the inexpensive super weapon.
Nevertheless, attempting to inflict a fate worse than death upon your enemies still makes you horrible monsters.
Honey, that's what they believe in the Christian religion, too...
Oh, you haven't read the Bible? Color me surprised.
When you dip bullets in pigs blood because according to their religion, it sends them to hell... Aren't you basically saying that their religion is true?
If you believed their religion was horseshit, you wouldn't even bother because according to YOUR religion they go to hell anyway.
So, according to this Christian, Islam is the true faith.
No, Muslims don't believe that. Involuntary contact with pigs or pork is exactly like involuntary contact with rats or rat meat for the rest of us. In fact, if a Muslim must eat pork to avoid starvation or even to escape religiously-motivated genocide, that is not a sin.
"Added another militia member, “Don’t f*ck with white people,” before showing off his shooting prowess with a shotgun."
Don't fuck with muslim suicide bombers.
Right, because with the 0,6% of Muslims in Texas, your stupid weapons will make the difference in the upcoming Arab uprising
I don't get these people... on the one hand, they claim all Muslims just use taqqiya all the time, as they're allowed to break their own rules if it is for survival or advancement of Islam (the latter is by the way controversial among Islamic scholars), and on the other hand they come up with this type of bullshit where pigs blood on a bullet is somehow warding off Muslim attackers.
“A lot of us here are using either pig’s blood or bacon grease on our bullets, ” he explains, adding, “So that when you shoot a Muslim they go straight to hell. That’s what they believe in their religion.”
Actually, it really doesn't work that way. If a Muslim knowingly and willingly partake in the use of pork products, then that's where it get technical. But if one was to smear bacon grease on bullets and they shoot someone belonging to the Islamic faith, then it will have no effect.
1. Islamophobe thinks pork is Muslim kryptonite, part 197,000,236,455.
2. Why is AJPlus listed as the fundie here? From my limited experience with Al-Jazeera, they're a legitimate news organization. The militia morons are the fundies here.
When will these idiots get the memo that Islam forbids EATING pork?
Do these guys think pork is Jewish kryptonite, too?
Wouldn't all that lard mess with the gun?....Can't wait until this all LITERALLY blows ups in his face!
Finally; If you're going to the negative afterlife, it's going to be something bad you purposely did....not some weird thing out of your control caused by another person.
Finally; Why pork-up your bullets if you believe Muslims (and everyone else who doesn't kiss the butt of your false, impotent demiurge) is headed to "The Gory Gig Underground", anyway?
"If you understood their religion, it has to do with willingly touching it. "
But actual muslim fundies freak out at the possibility of touching pork, regardless of actual theology.
There was a muslim in England who ate a single pork flavored potato chip because there was a mistake in the snack factory. A life threatening psychosomatic illness lasting months followed.
"Finally; Why pork-up your bullets if you believe Muslims (and everyone else who doesn't kiss the butt of your false, impotent demiurge) is headed to "The Gory Gig Underground", anyway?"
Because of the placebo effects. Muslims are terrified of pork cooties. It doesn't matter what the real effects are. If they know there are pork bullets coming their way they will flee in terror.
The Kurds send their women to fight ISIS because ISIS thinks being killed by a woman in jihad will keep you out of heaven. When they see Kurd women coming to shoot them they take a flying leap into their foxholes and slam the lid shut, even though being killed by a man or a woman has no different effect.
I'm gonna skip the obvious bullshit and point out one small thing: pig's blood or bacon grease will absolutely fuck your gun up over time, unless it's an AK47 or something hardy like that.
There's a reason they make a specific type of oil for guns.
That it takes a liberal gun owner to tell you that says a lot.
Imagine if the Crusaders came up with the idea of dipping their spears and arrows in pork and bacon grease. They would've conquered every single Muslim country in the world and held onto it to this day.
Seriously, this "Muslims = Vampires but with pork" meme among the right wing is so hilariously stupid.
Know what this is?
They're chicken shit fat rednecks who think this will scare the muzzie hoards, that have them shaking and shitting themselves daily because of right wing radio fear mongering.
Somewhere there's real militia survivalists, ready for nearly anything, but they don't spend their time barking like little fucking rodent dogs, they'll be the guys taking your arms buildup away if the shit does hit the fan. Oh, and those old ladies down the block who laugh at you and your camo pajamas.
Fucking Nugent mouths, all bark no cred.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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