@George W. Harrison
"Sharia law disfavours dancing, eh? Is that why all the Eastern belly-dancers do business in secular countries?"
And then there's the Dervishes:
'known for their extreme poverty and austerity, similar to mendicant friars in Christianity or Hindu/Buddhist/Jain sadhus. As Sufi practitioners, Dervishes have been known as sources of wisdom, medicine, poetry, enlightenment, and witticisms.'
They're also the diametric opposite of Wahhabi Muslims in Saudi Arabia: Pacifists, and are hyper-tolerant of non-Muslims My physician is a Sufi Muslim like them.
Islamic ascetics, especially the Mevlevi Order in Turkey:
Sunni and Shia Muslims celebrate by dancing, especially at the end of Ramadan (there's certainly been dancing in the streets in the Muslim section of my locale, at this particular time, as families get together, feast and generally celebrate Eid ul-Fitr).
Psssh. Everyone knows Google has a liberal bias. Just like the Bible. And reality."
Probably why Andy Schaftafly has never deigned to show his face here in FSTDT. Leaving his own cuntservatard comfort zone/dimension would result in him being handed his own arse by everyone here. Intellectually and debate-wise, he wouldn't last five seconds in FSTDT. And he knows it.
But then, that's cuntservatards like him all over: cowards.