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We are proud to announce that we are revealing a new type of energy source that we are calling "Self Energy Contained Turbines™ that are based on being the closest source to the energy known as the fusion energy technology. Understanding the fusion technology is very simple because it is based on an a scientific technology that is able to produces more energy then what it is capable of intake. In other word, we are dealing with the discovery of an energy source that produces more energy then what it is require to function. With the use of this energy it is going to be possible to produce massive amounts of inexpensive electricity to all of the humans in need around the world.

With the self energy contained turbines it is going to be possible to produce electricity any where in the world much more less expensive than any other source that is available today. With this new energy discovery it is going to be possible to provide electricity in any type of location where electricity might be needed.

Before we continue with more explanations of some of the great potential that this newly discovery energy is capable of providing, we would like for you to take a moment and view the video that we are providing so you are able to see the self energy contained turbine technology in action form.

To better understand how this new type of turbine system could help the human race throughout the world, let us point out the three main sources of electrical power that we have in the world today. One of the three main sources towards the production of electricity is the damming of a river and to use the accumulated water in the reservoir to make it flow downwards so the flowing water could in return spin the turbines that produce electricity, another system is electrical companies of which they burn either trash or coal, or other materials to heat water that is then turned into steam so the steam could spin the turbines that produce electricity, another source is nuclear power plants that use highly charged uranium rods that also heat water to produce the necessary steam that spin the turbines that produce electricity.

These types of electrical producing sources that were mentioned are by far very expensive in the sense of not just the cost of building them, but they are also expensive to maintain their production and in some cases these types of other electricity produces sources are also known to be very dangerous to the human race through environmental pollution capabilities.

The "self energy contained turbines™ " are not only going to be a very economical electricity producing source over any other system that is available because they are not going to require a single drop of water in the electricity production as other sources do, but the turbines are not going to need the massive and expensive grit that is involved with the other electricity producer sources and this in return will allow the production of electricity to be very affordable and could be placed anywhere in the world.

The "self energy contained turbines™ " are going to benefit humanity over any other source because it does not require a single drop of water towards its electrical production, nor the very expensive grit and this would mean that the turbines could be set up anywhere in the planet including the smallest of rural towns. For example: small towns that may be located in deserts, jungles and even in small towns located in mountain forests, and so forth and that could have a very small human population.

We envision how our self energy contained turbines are going to be able to benefit small towns of Africa and other pore third world countries where they are going to be able to have a turbine producing their electrical needs. We envision how all of the pore people of the world that live in small far away towns are going to be able to have an electrical source and how this could improve their living conditions.

We this newly discovered method it should be possible to build and spin turbines that are going to be equal in size or bigger than the ones that are used to day by other facilities. We also envision how our turbines could be used to produce electricity on other planets when and if the time were to come where humans are able to produce long term other planet explorations.
There is no doubt in our minds that these types of self energy contained turbines are going to be beneficial to the human race on many other forms that we have not yet though of.



The main reason of how we made the turbine discovery was do to the interest that we had towards researching the invisible energy that we know of as gravity. Our extensive gravity research opened the doors towards the discovery of the self energy contained turbines because we were able to reach the point where it allowed us to be able to simulate or duplicate the energy produced by gravity. Once we were able to make this amazing discovery on how to simulated the mechanical working of gravity it did not take long before we were then able to use this gravity mechanics towards the use on how to spin turbines that could be used as an energy source.

In other words, our discovery on how it could be possible to spine any type of turbine technology is based on the ability to simulate of duplicate the very same invisible gravity energy that not only makes this planet spin, but also the very same invisible energy that spins solar systems, galaxies, the universe and beyond. So technically, we are in essence spinning our turbines with the same invisible energy that is also spinning this planet.

We would also like to mention that we are in need of financial assistance to be able to make the dream of helping pore people throughout the world with an electrical source of an investor(s) or angel(s). At this point we have an electrical engineer ready to take on the challenge towards the creation of a much larger self energy contained turbine that will finally reveal what the racial of energy intake and the production of electricity the turbines are going to be capable of producing.

With the creation of a much larger turbine, and the racial of electricity production we will then be able to calculate the amount of electricity that would be needed according to the project that we might have in hand. We are curtain that the cost of much larger turbines are going to cost a very minimum amount of capital and the return should be of great profit. With your help we would be able to provide an electricity source to all of the small town within the world that might have such small populations as just a few hundred people through this economical system that they would be able to offered and maintain.

For those of you that might be interested in our offer or if you were to need more information, please contact us at:

[e-mail address removed]


When it comes to the simulated or the duplication of the energy of gravity, it is not only beneficial when it comes to making a turbine spin, but we quickly also notice that the simulated gravity energy source could also be applied in the science of aviation towards the creation of several different types of flying machine discoveries that are still unknown within the aviation science of man kind that should, in return, open the doors towards an aviation revolution that could potentially benefit the lives of all people within the planet.

We are revealing a brief video of some of what we have to offer so you could see the future of aviation.

Our aviation mission has reached the point where we are able to reveal nothing less then an affordable and practical flying craft that should allow people to fly to their destination instead of driving on the time consuming ground roads. We are claiming the discovery of an aviation concept that should finally be able to bring flying cars to humanity and that they should even be less expensive than some of the new cars that are produce today.

Our flying car design is so different and unique and with such scientific aviation breakthroughs that it carries new technologies that could allow it to be used as a car type transportation machine that could be driven on the ground and it could also be used as a helicopter type system and also as an airplane type of device.

The creation of a flying car could be of great significant towards the improvement of human life because it could open the doors on how people could be more productive if they were to fly in the air instead of driving on the roads when reaching their destinations. If people were to fly they would be able to take a strait rout towards their location instead of taking the long ground routs with the so many delays of lights and traffic and this flying possibility will also be able to save time, energy and money. The amazing anti-gravity breakthrough that will allow for this to happen was based on how I was able to stabilize the use of your basic airplane gas motor propeller system so it could then be able to use with this type of aviation concept.

The gas motor system that we referring to is basically the use of the front end that are used on basic propeller driven air planes. If any one were to try to experiment with this type of basic gas motor airplane propeller system it would be very apparent that it is very difficult to find control once it is in working action because it tens to go to any one and all directions without any type of stability or control.

In fact, the ability to control this out of control actions when using the basic gas motor propeller system in running action is the main reason of why we able to produce the so many different types of anti-gravity spaceships that are still unknown to the aviation science of man kind because no one in the history of aviation has ever done this type of work either in the past or in the present.

The ability to control the gas motor propeller system by the use of a simulated gravity energy source is going to allow us to manufacture the production of more practical and affordable flying machines over not just other type of flying crafts, but it should also provide competition to even car manufactures because, at the end, it is going to be cheaper to buy our flying machines over the price of some types of new cars that are produced today.

At this point, the best transportation method in the planet that is capable of quickly taking you from point A to point B is the helicopter and it actually is the only aviation technology that is capable of providing any type of competition to the vehicle and the only reason it is not being used as much as a car is because they are expensive and complicated enough where not just anyone person is able to pilot them.

On the other hand, my flying machines are going to be serious competition to not just the helicopter market, but also to car manufactures because the flying car is going to be able to be piloted by almost any one person in the sense where if they are able to drive a car on the ground, then chances are they too would be able to pilot the flying car because the flying car is going to have the easy ability to hover, go forward, and to go up and down without any effort of talent to make it do so.
In fact, based on the GPS systems of today, it would be possible to set in place on a computer your destination and the flying car machine should be able to take you to your destination without the need to do any or no flying at all.

When it comes to the flying car technology it is also going to be a very economical to produce in mass quantities because they would not only be simple to assemble, but also because they are going to require basic and inexpensive materials and this is, in return, should also produce a high ownership demand.

If you were to think of the idea of a flying machine that would be able to perform equal or better than a helicopter with the need of lesser talent to pilot the craft and taking in consideration of how less expensive it would be than some vehicles that are out in the market of today, we think that it would be possible to get the attention from that of any military agency.

Think of the idea of which anyone soldier would be able to have the potential talent to learn how to pilot a flying machine while doing their work. A machine such as this would allow the triumphant of any military in action. So any type of military contract would not only be of great profit, but it would also be a great support to this nation. I could envision how my flying cars could not only make the work of anyone soldier easier, but also safer than any other type of ground transportation system within todays market.

We would also like to mention that we seek either an investor(s) or an angel(s) to make the flying car dream come true and this is why we are pointing out that we would be able to produce this type of amazing flying car concept with the use of left over aviation parts from that of an airplane junk yard and this would also show how very inexpensive and easy to make. Based on this information, it would mean that your investment will be to a minimum and the results could be of great financial benefit.


We are revealing these next two videos so you are able to see that we have a great potential knowledge in the science of aviation.This next video consist of our very first aviation spaceship experiments but they did not performed as planed. In other word, they are our bloopers of aviation and we want you to also see that we have nothing to hid and that we do not mind releasing a video like this.

Please keep in mind that all of our anti-gravity flying spaceships are all hand made. We designed them, bought the material to build them, and they were also tested by us and we did not buy any types of kits towards the creation of anyone spaceship. We are also revealing these videos to show that our work was not easy to produce and that there were a plenty of mistakes that took place before we were able to reach our anti-gravity aviation potential. Enjoy.

This next video is also based on our very first anti-gravity experiments but they performed a little better than the one from the above video. Again, enjoy.

Our financial needs has also given us the idea of making a reality show based on our anti-gravity aviation technology and then use the profits to make much larger man size spaceships so our work could continue in a much larger format. The idea is to seek a network that might want to produce a reality show where the concept of the show would be for their cameras to be right there filming the crew as we design, build and test several different types of flying spaceships that would be unknown in the aviation history of man kind and at the end of the first series the recently built spaceships would be revealed in a large stadium size event where they would be flow in front of thousands of spectators.

We have the believe that our aviation science is so one of a kind where there should be plenty of people with the interest potential towards wanting to know more about our flying spaceship work that we have to offer and this should, in return allow us to produce large stadium size events through out the world in every country where the stadiums should be filled to capacity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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