[As I see it, Luther was campaigning against clear-cut corruption (the sale of indulgences.)]
That's a lie. There was never a sale of indulgences. Luther was a heretic who believed in salvation by faith alone.
[Thanks to ecumenism, Catholics and Lutherans have now talked out almost all of their differences--only one or two remain. Maybe someday soon they will be reunited.]
And then we will unite with the Buddhists. And the Muslims. And the Atheists. And the potato-worshippers. (and the Jew$ will rule the "church")
However, I trust in God that your plan will never come true. You might rule the society, and you might corrupt the parishes, but you will never put a heretic on the throne of Saint Peter. The gates of Hell will not prevail!
[But what was Lefebvre protesting against?]
The heresy of modernism, the corruption of the society and the liberal maffia.
[Ecumenism is necessary.]
Ecumenism is a heresy like arianism and the SSPX are the new saint Athanasius and the Axis powers should have won WWII and made a short story out of these liberals!
"That's a lie. There was never a sale of indulgences"
Luther's 95 Thesis was all about the sale of indulgences. History will attest to the fact that the catholic church was selling forgiveness.
"And then we will unite with the Buddhists"
Jesuits and different monastic orders within the catholic church have already stared this process, quite a few years ago.
"And the potato-worshippers"
Being of Scottish and Irish descent, I'm offended that you would refer to the Irish in such a way (I'm not really sure what he means by "potato worshippers").
"[But what was Lefebvre protesting against?]
The heresy of modernism, the corruption of the society and the liberal maffia."
Lefebvre, as well as other "traditionalists" within the catholic church, along with Vatican II, shows that the catholic church is not as perfect as it thinks it is.
I'm not going to comment on that last one. It's just sick.
Fundie fight! Who's got popcorn?
@Old Viking at least catholic fundies don't believe you can murder and kill your whole life and on your death bed say, "Jebus save me" and get to heaven... that's one point in their favor.
Zeth, you're a dumbass, Luther would have settled for reforming the Catholic church, that's he called his movement REFORMATION. The problem was that greed and corruption was so incredibly entrenched in the Catholic Church by the Borgia and D'Medici Popes that it couldn't be fixed without shattering the church.PS I'm not going to say Luther was not at fault either, he was an arrogant SOB and a "prima donna"!
"And then we will unite with the Buddhists. And the Muslims. And the Atheists. And the potato-worshippers. (and the Jew$ will rule the 'church')"
*does his nearly-perfect impression of Mola Ram, the villain of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom*
"The British in India will be slaughtered. Then we will overrun the Muslims and force their 'Allah' to bow to Kali. Then the Hebrew God will fall, and finally the Christian God will be cast down and forgotten. Soon, Kali Ma will rule the world."
He was just as full of shit as you are, Zeth. The main difference being: Mola Ram made for a cool movie villain. You, on the other hand, aren't someone the average person would love to hate; you deserve no better than pity and scorn.
Potato worshippers?
@ Painful
at least catholic fundies don't believe you can murder and kill your whole life and on your death bed say, "Jebus save me" and get to heaven.
Not unless they twiddle the beads the magic number of times and/or share the gory details with the child molester in the phone booth?
...you will never put a heretic on the throne of Saint Peter.
Heretics are a no-no but ex-Nazis are cool! Let's not forget that the new Pope is also the guy who was a big mover in the "let's shuffle our priests around so they won't get arrested as child molesters" actions.
@Philbert McAdamia - there is a lot more than that, you can't get confession until you've gone through the rest of the earlier sacraments. The Rapture weirdos have a nice chart they use to explain it, of course, they being BAC use the chart entirely without understanding to explain why their method of pleasing their god is superior. Humorous to say the least. I love a good fundie fight, especially if they are using the same god AND the same book, etc.
For that awful pun, Grigori Yefimovich, you should be slung in the Neva like your namesake. However, on this occasion I will grant you murphy.
That's a lie. There was never a sale of indulgences.
So I guess Chaucer just invented the Pardoner without any real-life model for such behavior:
"Ne was there such another pardoner
For in his male (pouch) he had a pillowcase,
Which that he said was our lady('s) veil:
He said he had a gobet (piece) of the sail
That Saint Peter had, when that he went
Upon the sea, til Jesus Christ him hent (caught).
He had a cross of latten (sheet brass) full of stones,
And in a glass he had pig's bones.
But with these relics, when that he found
A poor person dwelling upon land,
Upon a day he got him more money
Than that person got in months two;
And thus, with feigned flattery and japes,
He made the person and the people his apes."
... "The heresy of modernism, the corruption of the society and the liberal maffia."
BWAHAHAHAHA! The Mafia was, and is, based on the old Roman Legion power structure, with the Don (Caesar) on top. Guess which other modern organization is based on this structure? (hint: "Roman" is part of the name.)
How "liberal" is that?
Zeth, you're an idiot. STFU.
Of course there was a sale of indulgences. That was 500 years ago. So was Luther. Can we get over it now? And reuniting with the Protestants sounds good to me.
Also, ZZ clearly doesn't know what "the heresy of modernism" actually means. And WTF are "potato-worshipers"?
In conclusion: Quit making my religion look bad.
We can see that your zealotry springs from anger, hatred, self-loathing and an all-consuming biliousness. And you wouldn't it want any other way would you? You know where you're headed, for doing the Devil's work, don't you Zealous Zeth?
Judging by your writing in the above quote you're a complete and utter wanker in any case.
It's funny that people like Zeth would argue Church history and theology without knowing anything about them.
Okay, it's funny for the first few minutes, then it gets boring.
"Axis powers should have won WWII and made a short story out of these liberals!"
And then poor little Jim-bob woke up to find he was back in his squalid little trailer (decorated with cum-stained Confederate & Nazi flags), in Hicksville Tennessee, and he cried.
"That's a lie. There was never a sale of indulgences."
The Vatican archive still has the letters by Pope Sixtus V authorising their sale, and by Pope Boniface IX complaining of unauthorised indulgences being sold by some religious orders.
So, Zeth, are you calling your 'infallible' popes liars or what?
Axis powers should have won WWII and made a short story out of these liberals!
I'm sure Jesus is just so proud of you for applauding the deaths of a third of his community.
And Anon-e-moose, that made my day.
"potato worshippers"
I think he's talking about some population of Inca descent that celebrate a ritual to feed the potatos with blood yearly.
Either that or crude racial slur, your pick.
And then we will unite with the Buddhists.
Tich nat han ran an orphanage with some nuns in Vietnam. Unfortunately they were raided by the NVA and every boy that could handle a gun was "enlisted". Then bombed by the Americans because it had been reported as an area of NVA activity.
Yet he still preaches non-violence and love. Anyone who went through the hell he did and can still not hate, is someone to admire.
[As I see it, Luther was campaigning against clear-cut corruption (the sale of indulgences.)]
"That's a lie. There was never a sale of indulgences. Luther was a heretic who believed in salvation by faith alone."
To be fair, that is one of the worst ideas the Reformation brought to the table, though I recognise why it was introduced because the indulgence sellers were making a fast groat out of telling people they'd get time off their stay in Purgatory if they gave money to the right people. It gives rise to ideas like you can be a complete bastard all your life and as long as you accept Jesus at the end you're straight off to Heaven, which I have major issues with and think the idea of Purgatory is philosophically sound by comparison.
[Thanks to ecumenism, Catholics and Lutherans have now talked out almost all of their differences--only one or two remain. Maybe someday soon they will be reunited.]
"And then we will unite with the Buddhists. And the Muslims. And the Atheists. And the potato-worshippers. (and the Jew$ will rule the "church")"
"Jew$"? Fuck off, antisemite. (Which religion is "potato-worshippers" supposed a slur for, anyway?)
[But what was Lefebvre protesting against?]
"The heresy of modernism, the corruption of the society and the liberal maffia."
It's "Mafia" not "Maffia", unless you're talking about a hip-hop artist. And "liberal Mafia" is one of those phrases that automatically triggers my bullshit alarm.
Ah, a fellow person raised by Catholic doctrine! My old church currently celebrates with the Lutheran church down the street, so this should be...
Oh, crap.
Now I remember why I'm becoming Deist.
Real post:
[As I see it, Luther was campaigning against clear-cut corruption (the sale of indulgences.)]
That's a lie. There was never a sale of indulgences. Luther was a heretic who believed in salvation by faith alone.
[Thanks to ecumenism, Catholics and Lutherans have now talked out almost all of their differences--only one or two remain. Maybe someday soon they will be reunited.]
And then we will unite with the Buddhists. And the Muslims. And the Jews. And the Atheists. And the potato-worshippers!
However, I trust in God that your plan will never come true. You might rule the society, and you might corrupt the parishes, but you will never put a heretic on the throne of Saint Peter! The gates of Hell will not prevail!
[But what was Lefebvre protesting against?]
The heresy of modernism, the corruption of the society and the liberal mafia?
Poor Zeth, don´t you realise that the essential doesn't change?. We laugh because, without realising, you're as heretic as Luther.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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