“I forgot the verse, but the Bible does mention that people will try to prove evolution.”
Well, of course. Honest people who honestly think the science is good and the facts are valid and the observations are repeatable will try to protect good science, no matter how much the opinionated assholes misrepresent it, and them.
"They’re trying very hard, may I add.”
Yeah. When critics think that they can disprove evolution with piss-poor math, or fake analogies, or bullshit observations, or bible quotes, the righteous will take offense.
"They would lie,”
Hang on. it’s not evolutionists or evolution fans that say ‘science has proven’ and are then unable to pony up the research, not like the faithful do ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Jack Chick’s ‘Big Daddy’ tract is chock full of lies and mistruths and failures.
“spend a lot of money,”
Is that…bad? If so, tell the creationist museum money is bad.
"mix up bones,”
Then you can study up and find these errors and point them out, right? AND point out how you know it was intentional?
"put together fake parts to say they evolved, etc...”
Exactly how many such fakes do you know of?
Bonus question, how many fakes were accepted by science but proven fake by creationists?
You know of Piltdown Man, but YOU only know it’s a fake because scienists proved it was fake.
You know about Nebraska Man, a mistake, but only because scientists caught the mistake.
Not because creationists have anything superior in the lab or the field.