
CreatedOne #fundie creationtalk.com

[Attempting to explain distant starlight in a 6000-year old universe]

Can the light from this or any other such supernovae be seen from earth with the naked eye... if a telescope is required to see the supernovae then the light would not have necessarily reached earth yet.

marklondon2003 #fundie creationtalk.com

The fossils? God knew we would go digging so He planted a few fossils here and there to keep us guessing. Likewise He made the universe out of reach for us. What would happen if our spacecrafts reached a dead-end? We would think that we have outsmarted God.

Bronzesnake #fundie creationtalk.com

Thanks for answering the question.
God created all life, so if He says a bat is a bird then a bat IS a bird.

If you tell me your son's name is Boris, and I call him Stanley...who is correct?
In other words, I trust God knows what He's doing.
Your evolution scientists can come up with their own classifications in order to "corroborate" their version of the truth, but in the end I'll take the creators word over yours.

RND #fundie creationtalk.com

That's leads me to another question. If man and other living animals were formed by fish that left the water and grew legs billions of years ago, why would the evidence of mudskippers lead one to believe in "evolution" considering this seems like a regression?

I mean really, if we have already developed from fish that grew legs doesn't it seem that the appearance of another fish "walking" on land is slightly behind that which has already (apparently) happened?

6000yrs #fundie creationtalk.com

Ah who ever said the sun is heavier [than the earth]? Scientists(man) not God . Sun is made up of gases which are lighter than the earth's surface.It makes alot more sense for the sun to go around the earth. THere is nothing egotistical about that. God made man his center of attention.

Ploegman #fundie creationtalk.com

Without sounding to critical, I must say that most people I encounter who believe in evolution, are quite literally uneducated people. I am not saying that evolutionists are uneducated at all, there are a lot of uneducated Creationists as well. What I am pointing out is that people seem to believe things before really going through it. Why do people believe evolution? Because it is simple to understand? Because it is what is taught in school?

Nasa #fundie creationtalk.com

Could you tell a dying child your views. Could you look some one in the face who is dying of hunger and say i think theres no God. To take away the only thing thay have and thats the hope thay live in. An ugly world Martin. Seek God.

marklondon2003 #fundie creationtalk.com

What makes the Bible authentic? Jesus, the historical Jesus, fulfilled the Bible and endorsed the OT. If Jesus was God in the flesh, then if Jesus endorsed the Bible then God Himself tells us that the earth was created in 6 days. How much more proof do I need? Prove Jesus is real? The Holy Bible.

marklondon2003 #fundie creationtalk.com

I will go with the 'fossil planting' to explain this. God presented us with a ready-made earth. Nothing is impossible with God. Maybe He even copied another 'earth' as it was and presented us with the copied version. I feel that you underestimate an all-powerful God. He can snap His finger and make another billion 'earths' appear in 6 days. He can do as He pleases.

Eliphion #fundie creationtalk.com

We can repeat that experiment in the lab today. But you can not repeat a fish turning into a mammal. Or a reptile becoming a bird. Or spontaneous generation. Or something coming from nothing. So you still don't have a good grasp on the philosphy behind the science.

marklondon2003 #fundie creationtalk.com

What makes the Bible authentic? Jesus, the historical Jesus, fulfilled the Bible and endorsed the OT. If Jesus was God in the flesh, then if Jesus endorsed the Bible then God Himself tells us that the earth was created in 6 days. How much more proof do I need? Prove Jesus is real? The Holy Bible.

marklondon2003 #fundie creationtalk.com

How can the animals diversify from different forms when they were planted by God according to it's kind? The earth was made in 6 days so of course the creatures were planted. Why is the Bible true? Because Jesus referred to the Bible and Jesus was real.

marklondon2003 #fundie creationtalk.com

[Quoting a random website]Evolutionary scientists believe that man has existed for one million years. Starting with just eight people having 2 children every 40 years, the total population of the earth today would be 10 to the 3000 power. There would be mountains of bones from the trillions of skeletons of those from past generations.

invasionpunk #fundie creationtalk.com

why do you discredit a creationist site? They normaly are less bais than evolutionist sites, many evolutionist seem to ignore many problems with their theroy, and create invalid problems with some of the creationist's theroys.

Bettawrekonize #fundie creationtalk.com

GOD doesn’t lie. Bias people lie. GOD provided us with evidence for a young Earth. He didn’t provide us any evidence for an old Earth. It’s just that many people don’t want to accept that evidence because it contradicts their religion (evolution).

Evolskeptic #fundie creationtalk.com

Judas, the Spanish Inquisition, and the pedophiles currently running amok in today’s Roman Catholic church have also been called "Christians" at one time or another. They will all get into heaven at about the same time [evolutionary biologist Kenneth] Miller does.