Beware of the feminists, many are lesbians!
Uh, I'm a feminist, but I'm not a lesbian. Does that make me an exception?
I'm not going to sugar-coat this article in an attempt not to offend anyone.
Tch, YOU suger-coat? The only thing you would suger-coat is the hypocrisy and bigotry of others like yourself. And of course, you're not worried about offending anyone; you do that on a regular basis.
Feminism is rebellion against God!
I prefer to think of it as rebellion against misogynistic authority and oppression.
I don't know where the term "feminazi" originated, although I heard it was Rush Limbaugh.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Whoever made it up, it is a good term to describe the attitude that some women have for men in general.
All right, there are a few radical feminists who loathe all men. But they only constitute a tiny percentage of the feminist movement. Feminism is not about getting back at men by oppressing them, it's about being recognized as human beings equal to men.
The word "militant" surely fits the fierceness of some women's viciousness towards men.
What do they do, David? Do they organize meetings where they decide when to have multiple lynchings of men? Do they plot to propose an amendment to the Constitution which would restrict men's rights and make them legally property? Do they contemplate following the examples of the Amazons by subduing their husbands and forcing them to do the housework while the women fight?
These are the staunch feminists that destroy homes and marriages.
How, by telling women that they're more than insipid doormats and inspiring them to get out of bad situations caused by their HUSBANDS?
I've met a few feminists in my lifetime who were just begging to get into an argument.
Assuming that this encounter even took place, I'm sure that they would say the same about you.
Some women really thrive off attacking men every chance they get.
Correction: YOU thrive off attacking women every chance you get.
Many marriages have been destroyed by a meddling feminist.
Many marriages have been destroyed by indifferent, selfish, abusive spouses, male and female.
Of course, hen pecked husbands and sissies are exempt.
Of course, you completely ignore abusive beasts that call themselves men, deadbeat dads and mothers, unfaithful spouses, or self-righteous fundies.
A godly man is a threat to the feminist's agenda.
An intelligent, independent woman is a threat to the fundie's agenda.
Feminism is sin.
Misogyny is a sin.
It is wrong because it is a rebellion against authority (and against God)."
You mean rebellion against YOUR authority, you miserable coward. Take a look in the Bible, and see how many women were chosen by God to be his messengers. The only Nazi here is you.