LovelyGiraffe #fundie

Listen-Up, People!

Pay Close Attention, About President Donald J. Trump —

Our "Great God Almighty" Has Placed Him In Office.
President Trump is "The Guy". He's "The Cleaner".
He's There To Clean-Up "The Mess", Left By Previous
Criminal Administrations, "Draining The Swamp".

Have faith in God, and the man, that He has sent us.
Supernaturally, jobs are returning to our country. Evil
accusations roll off Trump's back, returning to Hell,
where they originated from. No longer will the USA
pay for abortions. True Patriotism has arisen.

President Donald J. Trump Is Magnificent!

God Bless President Trump!

Make America Great Again!

God Bless The USA!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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