The mark of Cain Poll,
Did you know that God cursed Cain and his descendants with dark skin as a way for others to identify them and know that they are wicked?
Please provide a citation. In Genesis, it just said that God put a mark upon Cain. It doesn't say that it turned him into a black guy. And it doesn't say that his descendants were marked the same way as he was, either.
Oh and Mormons believed this too, which is why they thought that all American Indians were evil, wicked sinners, because they have dark skin.
But you just want to use the bible to reinforce your racism, don't you?
Wasn't the Mark of Cain UPON THE FOREHEAD?
I guess you could say that black skin is on the forehead...along with that means non-baldies are descendants of Cain!
But people often grow more bald as they age...Hmm...
Also, the Mark of Cain is a totally different thing from what they're talking about. First, God cursed Cain and cast him out. Then Cain complained that everyone would be out to get him, so God gave him the Mark of Cain which would *protect* him.
Cain was giving the mark so that nobody can even attempt to kill him.
It was a punishment in the form of immortality.
Forced to walk the Earth until Judgment Day? Common story.
Well, you better not hurt black people then! To wit:
[Gen. 4:15]
But the LORD said to him, "Not so; if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.
If black people suffer the same curse that Cain did, than mistreating them will only visit seven times the mistreatment on you. I don't want to be lynched seven times or denied seven jobs because of my race, and I don't think you do either.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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