"Medical professionals emphasize that they do not know what causes mental illness.[8] Accordingly, they cannot rule out that liberal indoctrination is a contributing factor."
2 points:
1. neither can they rule out conservative lies and 2. what "indoctrination? If telling children the truth, teaching them to respect themselves and each other is "indoctrination", I'd hate to live in your world.
"Teaching children to accept and believe things that are demonstrably false cannot help mental health."
Which is precisely why children sound never be taught the lie that is religion. You are aware, aren't you, that a certain kind of brain injury/illness - temporal lobe epilepsy - has been shown to be strongly associated with hyper religiosity? Solid evidence that religious faith is a form of mental illness and/or brain damage and should be treated as such.
"* Lying about the truth, causing belief in falsehoods or encouraging conduct disorders"
Jesus was a fictional character, yet you and your ilk claim he existed. You repeat this lie to children.
"* There are no real differences between boys and girls."
Apart from primary and secondary sexual characteristics, care to name the differences?
"* Humans are just another type of animal."
Absolutely correct:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Theria
Infraclass: Eutheria
Order: Primates
Suborder: Anthropoidea
Superfamily: Hominoidea
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: sapiens
"* All there is is what you see (with or without special equipment, such as microscopes or telescopes)."
Go on, then, show us the evidence for things we *can't* see.
"* Conversely, that an unproven 'unconscious' excuses evil actions."
Ummm, who, exactly, is trying to excuse evil actions? Apart from, that is, the fundamentalists who try to excuse the actions of callous, cold-blooded murderers like Scott Roeder?
"* Self-inflicted death (i.e. suicide) can somehow be good."
Depends on the circumstances and the suffering the person is enduring. If, say, I was trapped in a rock crushing machine with no way out and just so happened to have a gun, I know what I'd do.
"* Denying self-defense, mentally and physically."
Who does that?
"* Denying the ability to control sexual desires (such as homosexuality & lesbianism)...
Any sexual desire is perfectly ok as long as it's within the framework of a thing called "informed consent". Anything else - unacceptable.
"...promoting lifestyles that lead to mental illness."
Such as getting on your knees to pray to an imaginary sky daddy.
"* Insisting on an illogical and unjustified "wall of separation of church and state"; When classroom prayer would promote mental stability."
No. As noted above, religious faith is a mental illness.
"* Encouraging dependence on state welfare services rather than taking responsibility for ones own actions."
Who does that? The welfare state is there as a safety net for those experiencing financial hardship and almost *anyone* can be that unfortunate. If the US had socialised healthcare fewer people would experience financial hardship. Simple, really!
"* Socialistic theories based upon materialism encourage nihilism and depresion."
As "materialism" is all that has ever been demonstrated to exist, what choice is there?