The Great Pyramid Mystery Solved, The Great Pyramid of Giza is a Modem.
The great pyramid is not a tomb, its kind of a power plant, it is a puzzle. If you were to scatter the galaxy with new intelligent species and you wanted to know when they had arrived to a certain level of intelligence, you give them a test. The great pyramid, is perfect, but not complete. To finish the pyramid means there are many steps and challenges conquered, such as, mathematics, how the solar system works, location of stars, flight, thrust and control of flight to place the capstone on the pyramid, leaving earths gravity and entering space, and so on. So when you place the capstone on they pyramid it turns on, just like the internet when it was new. It was all around us but unless you can access it, its seems like it does not exist. SO to say hello to the universe, the capstone is put on top of the pyramid, and then a beacon is sent out into the universe to say, HELLO, You got mail.
This is what the Great Pyramids purpose is, its a test. SO lets do it already.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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