NicholasMarks #fundie

Though I am quite certain you will have a quick answer slamming any valid point made I would like to point out that a topic that inspires many, many people, over many, many generations, must have a scientific reason to explain it, and the only justifiable answer is that Jesus was fully aware of the science he was igniting. A science that many tyrants and many pagan priests have thought a good idea to harness for its power to bring masses of people together in good spirit which they have then been able to manipulate...but it will be to their own downfall because performing iniquity will be the first to fail in God's Judgement...if they haven't already.

The atheist will probably be high on the list too because their hostility will be too destructive in a new righteous heavens and a new Earth



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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