[On Pokemon]
Arguments made against the game by some conservative Christians included that it used the word "evolution", that some creatures in the game could be considered to look like un-Christian creatures (snakes, dragons), that any fictional creatures not within the scope God's real-world creation must have been created by the Devil, that supernatural abilities used by creatures in the game amount to witchcraft, and that the game's Japanese origins preclude a strong Christian influence. After an episode of the Pokemon cartoon where bright flashing colours caused epileptic seizures in a number of viewers, some fundamentalist Christians blamed the seizures on evil spirits (Luke 13:11).
Japan doesn’t give a toss about Christianity, never mind the American fundie fucked up version of it.
In fact, pretty much the only people in the world that give a crap about your bizarre take on Christianity are the people you live with. Your freak show religion hardly exists outside the Bible belt, never mind outside the US.
Seriously, no one gives a shit about your delusions.
In exactly the same way you, along with pretty much everyone else, doesn’t give a shit about fundie Muslim delusions.
If I had to find a problem with Pokemon, it would be that the show seems to advocate capturing wild animals and then forcing them fight one another. Since dog fighting and cock fighting is regarded with such open disgust and hatred by so many, I don't understand why the show is acceptable. Yes I know none of the animals are killed and the violence is mild, but the concept Pokemon conveys is the same.
"the game's Japanese origins preclude a strong Christian influence"
This is exactly why a lot of Westerners like Japanese creative media - it's unfettered by that pesky Judeo-Christian background.
Seizures...caused by evil spirits...
*checks calendar*
Huh. Thought the time machine in my basement malfunctioned there for a minute.
Mary Hart's voice gave a woman epileptic seizures.
Ha, are they saying that Mary Hart could be a demon or evil spirit...wait, no that sounds right.
Fish in a barrel.
Oh, and Cerebulon... Well, for one thing, the Pokémon are intelligent enough to refuse to fight, and sometimes do. *shrug* I don't know, it seems different to me, at least.
Holy crap. Saying Pokemon has anything to do with 'evil spirits' is as ridiculous as saying it ( or any game with 'monster battles') advocates dog fighting or something. Jeez...
Though, yes, Pokemon contains some elements of Japanese mythology. But big woo-dee-doo.
Pokemon is the earworm of games. It's pathetic (do not even try to figure out Pokeverse biology, it will give you massive headaches), but it's weirdly, unavoidably interesting on some level.
Of course, fundies don't like it because it's not twistable to their religious viewpoint. No shock there.
Actually the cause of the seizures were rapid bright color changes that can trigger seizures in people with epilepsy. Spirits have nothing to do with it.
I've seen parts of the episode. It made my eyes and head hurt. (Didn't give me a seizure though) Though I was scared to watch it because epilepsy runs in my family.
Also pokemon evolution has nothing to do with real evolution. In pokemon the individuals just magically transform. In real life populations change due to natural selection. K? K.
What broke me up was that he mentioned dragons, then continued and talked about fictional creatures as if dragons would be in a different category.
BTW: Arguments against Conservapedia include the claim that it's the the result of a horde of dim-witted maniacs getting access to computers with internet access. Some rational people believe that a significant percentage of it's authors currently resides in loony bins and that they write those articles while wearing their panties on their heads. (citation needed)
By the Wheel of Aruseus.
I was going to say this was old, but then I saw it was Conservapedia, which is relatively new.
Conservadia grows dead-er to me with each article like this.
"Arguments made against the game by some conservative Christians included that it used the word "evolution" "
I think that says all we need to know about this, really. What is says about evolution is irrelevant. IT USES THE WORD! OH NOES!
Just when I think 'the other side' couldn't demonstrate itself to be any more stupid. *rolls eyes*
"bright flashing colours caused epileptic seizures in a number of viewers, some fundamentalist Christians blamed the seizures on evil spirits"
(after smacking the guy who wrote this)
Conservapedia does a beautiful job of making their own crazy-ass advocates look even worse.
The article would actually be good if, at the bottom, it stated:
"However, these claims are founded primarily in superstition and have no supporting evidence whatsoever."
goosey wrote:
"Arguments made against the game by some conservative Christians included that it used the word "evolution""
I think that says all we need to know about this, really. What is says about evolution is irrelevant. IT USES THE WORD! OH NOES!
But of course! It's just like when the video game Doom caught on. Fundies claimed it was Satanic because it depicted demons. It didn't matter that the demons were the BAD GUYS that the player was trying to shoot down; the fact that demons appeared at all was enough to brand it as Satanic.
Which, of course, means the Bible is Satanic too....
Those on Conservapoodia are merely in denial that they watch "Pokemon" purely to fap to Team Rocket's Jessie, and they know it. She's the only reason why I watched it. She's hot:
"So what would be an example of a Christian creature, I wonder?"
The Conservatards had better not watch other anime series (as "Pokemon" is) such as "Neon Genesis Evangelion" or "Hellsing", if they know what's good for them.
And "Bible Black" would make their heads explode.
X3 >:D
What the hell is wrong with having Japanese origins?
Oh, right. Anything that isn't 100% American is either evil, liberal, devil-inspired, or all of the above.
"After an episode of the Pokemon cartoon where bright flashing colours caused epileptic seizures in a number of viewers, some fundamentalist Christians blamed the seizures on evil spirits"
(emphasis added):
'Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived '
-Isaac Asimov
After reading this, cover to cover - it caused revulsion, cynicism, and thinking for myself .
Pokémon evolution is more like metamorphosis, as with how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly are moth. Are butterflies and moths evil?
Christianity is a tiny minority religion of Japan. Most people there don't care if it's compatible with Bible Belt delusions. They also don't believe in Satan, and neither do several American Christians (saw it on I think a Pew poll). Those Christians think of Satan as a metaphor for evil and not a boogeyman influence anyone who's not Christian.
I also agree that PhantasyElementz is right that fundie Christian delusions are unlikely to get into games made in Japan, which is one of the most secular countries in the world.
I don't watch the TV show anymore (just the games and manga), but the episode that seizures occurred during were banned in Japan and not released at all outside it. Also, seizures are a problem related to the brain. Non-fundamentalist religious people (including the not-very-religious Shinto followers and not-very-religious Buddhists in Japan) don't believe in them. You fail psychiatry.
I'll finish this off by saying that you're implying that seizure medicine can destroy evil spirits. That's ridiculous.
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