Darwon #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Missing link in Evolution- Neanderthals still amongst us they are the Sasquatch.
Darwin was right!

They are called big-foot but are not that much taller then humans because their feet aren't that much longer length-wise then ours, just a little wider due to a more sturdier evolutionary stage to weather the natural elements.

These archaeological footprint collection dug-out by research teams confirms that just like some humans so do some Neanderthal-Sasquatch have flat feet where they run slower and tire easily and why some have been photographed.
[link to sasquatchresearch.net]

This Photo taken of a Neanderthal-Sasquatch by research teams confirms.
[link to media.bonnint.net]

That the above figure accurately match depictions by anthropologists of Neanderthal (Homo neanderthalensis) below minus the fur clothing usually worn probably from their prey..
[link to donsmaps.com]



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