In my humble opinion: If you've studied body magnets, you know that Lourdes is the most magnetized place on earth that we know of. Of course, all magnetism on earth was created by Jehovah God. You can put magnetism to work for yourself by wearing bi-polar body magnets. The best ones on the market are by Nikken and they can be found on the web. Do a google search to learn about the healing effects of magnets. Use the healing things God provided for us in nature and trust in Him for all things!
"Lourdes is the most magnetized place on Earth that we know of." This statement alone is enough to merit some kind of prize for pseudoscience, but then it just gets even weirder from there, as magnetism is clearly regarded as a standing miracle, just waiting to be tapped. This person is absolutely rounded at the free ends.
~David D.G.
"Verified healing effects of magnets: NONE."
Don't be silly. If you have any paramagnetic materials (like ferrites) which have been broken, and you reassemble them, and then touch them with a sufficiently strong magnet, voila! It's fixed.
Hmmm. Also, I expect there's some way I could work an inductor into a circuit with a lens to produce a laser (which could be used to "heal" lots of broken things... usually by welding), but I'm lazy and I'd need to brush up on my physics (and probably learn some E.E. I don't know at present, which would be somewhat time consuming)
Hmmm. I guess I might as well mock trulyfree57 a little more directly than by making fun of him by way of responding to another poster.
"In my humble opinion"
its humility is well-deserved.
"If you've studied body magnets"
I've studied magnets (well, electricity and magnetism, mostly. But I know a bit about magnets). Are body magnets anything like them?
"you know that Lourdes is the most magnetized place on earth that we know of."
No, I'm pretty sure that would be Cern, or one of the other large particle accelerators. If not, it's definitely a physics lab of some sort. Well, okay, maybe Lourdes is the most magnetized place on earth that YOU know of, but evidently, that isn't saying much.
"Of course, all magnetism on earth was created by Jehovah God."
nu-uh. Magnetism is the product of the flatulence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
"You can put magnetism to work for yourself by wearing bi-polar body magnets."
Yes... I suggest a minimum of a 1 megaTesla magnet. Also, surround yourself with lots of large objects made out of iron.
"The best ones on the market are by Nikken and they can be found on the web"
No, the best ones are made by Acme and you can find them in Warner Brothers cartoons.
"Do a google search to learn about the healing effects of magnets."
Eh. I already made fun of this one. I'll leave it alone this time around.
"Use the healing things God provided for us in nature and trust in Him for all things!"
Yes. Like hemlock. And arsenic. And mercury.
If you find any of those mono-pole magnets, there is a Nobel prize with your name on it. Magnets do not seem to do much healing though, or the hospitals would just stick everyone in the MRI machine for an hour.
Actually, trulyfree57 is right! Magnets do heal! Magnets can cure ANY disease AND lead to superpowers! Trulyfree57 left off one important point, though: Only the BEST magnets yield these positive effects. Thanks for listening.
The Acme Corporation
"The Only Makers Of The Best Magnets!"
Most magnetized place on earth, eh?
Oh I dunno, I can think of two places that come to mind...magnetic pole...pole..polar...hmmm...
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