Lucian Apollo Zalmoxe Lumina #conspiracy
We Atlanteans have to help Europe and this entire world
It took a long time to write this subject
The people who planned and executed the attacks in Paris are the worst Hollywood producers possible
The terrorists gave warning of their future attacks and they had their passports on them(did they need them to enter the football stadium?)
and miraculously when they blew themselves up those passports flew unburned and landed in the hands of the investigators
who are those mature societies in Europe?
for I have not met one true mature men in my life
so,with love and compassion we need to help them
They need our help,not in supporting their lies and fighting their wars...
look,they have a true problem with immigrants at home in London and Paris and Berlin and in other places
but these problems cannot be solved by bombing and invading other countries and stealing their resources
These mature countries-France-2300 yars old and some others in Western Europe...
invited the red race and yellow race people in their countries in order to be their servants and to be paid poorly for low jobs
now they have the same problem that the americans had with their black slaves 200 years ago
I know how people in Dacia are thinking
-Let them feel what we felt,let them suffer as we did for them,let them mature themselves as we did
-Oh ,really?
this is not the solution...we will have another nuclear war if we dont get involved in time
We have to raise our own country,we have to develop and decloak our techs,all our techs
including the subjects in our tech and history which are Tabu to us
we must unveil...this is the Last Directive of the Great Council of Atlantia
our great civ is no more....destroyed by dragons and lemurians and annunaki and the insect civs
we are the last remnant on Earth
yes!the fleets still arrive
the securans are in place
some of our people still live in our 40 million galaxies
but not enough for a contiguous effort
we are a dying civ,lead by artificial beings now
this is the naked truth
yes 12000 fleets shall be here shortly
to destroy the Nibiru and the annunaki
but that is not enough
we have to win the war on this medieval blue nice planet too
Why did I said all the things ,why did I unveil all the truths about all techs and histories of Atlantia and Lemuria and Agartha and Shamballa?
becuse we are all dying and the world in changing,populated being by immature civs
We have to help our children ,our nephews and grand nephews as we can
no one is mature enough
there is a war between Water and Fire and this war shall end with a colaboration and union of Apollo and Artemis the white one and the red one
this is the future I see now
What is the greatest law of Atlantia,Great Goddess?
Freedom and Liberty
-You mean...everyone is free to do as he pleases as long as he does not infringe on the liberties of other?
well the fact that you are destroying my world is infringing on my liberty to keep my planet populated with beings
the planet will still be here but humans will be gone
is it reasonable to give 7 billion cars to 7 billion people?is it reasonable to change 7 billion cars every year?where do you get the minerals from?
yes ! you can colonize other planets and I will help you do that
No!Great Goddess.the greatest Law of Atlantia and Lemuria at the same time is Sacrifice
we believe that the Supreme God sacrificed himself to create the universe
yes! we have weapons who can destroy the universe and create and new one
Yes!\Tabu subjects,I told you
we Atlanteans and Lemurians believe that in order for society to evolve
one God or Goddess must come and sacrifice himself or herself for Atlantia and Lemuria
we call this sacrifice in Atlantia the 7000 days of suffernce
6813 days have paseed already for me
I do not fear death,but I do fear loneliness and sufference and old age
I should not this is a lesson for me to be in a medieval and also galactic and universal society incarnated now
Rise Great Goddess for I can do no more
Rise Miley Cyrus for the tip of the spear and the edge of the sword is old now and new ones are needed