Mack Major #fundie
I'm trying to stay away from social media. But the blatant ignorance and twisting of God's word that I constantly see on here drives me insane! I've never before seen so many degenerate, reprobate, sin-twisted, juvenile CHRISTIANS in my entire life!
These aren't sinners we are talking about: these are supposed to be the saved folk! No wonder churches are struggling to keep their doors open!
"Christians" who love sin hate to be corrected. They hate to be told that God is a God of wrath as well as a God of grace. They are quick to say only God can judge them, without taking time to think: that He already is!
Why do you think they can't stop sinning, can't stop fornicating, can't stop jamming silicone and plastic objects into their vaginas and rectums, cant stop aborting their babies, embracing cancer, can't keep a decent man or woman around long enough to have an enjoyable marriage with, cant abide in their assigned birth gender, can't earn a decent wage or income in a land that flows with milk and honey?
These are all signs of judgment! And God is so cold with handing out those judgments, he'll simply bind you to the sin you don't want to give up anyway and let it consume you all the way to the grave.
"Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done." Romans 1:28
Here's an uncomfortable thought: maybe some folks can't stop sinning and don't want to give up their lifestyles of sin because God has already turned them over to eternal damnation. You don't have to wait to die to experience Hell. Hell can start for you right now too!
See, people have this grace and mercy thing confused! Grace buys you time to repent, and mercy ensures you are forgiven... IF you repent. And that's the key: REPENTANCE. Without it, you're still under the sentence of Eternal Death.
Now we have these feel good compromised sin loving pseudo-believers running around using grace as a license to sin; even teaching others to do the same. But look at what God thinks of such individuals:
"For some godless people have slipped in unnoticed among us, persons who distort the message about the grace of our God in order to excuse their immoral ways, and who reject Jesus Christ, our only Master and Lord. Long ago the Scriptures predicted the condemnation they have received." Jude 1:4
God says these folk are ALREADY CONDEMNED! That means they CAN'T and WON'T be saved! So why are you listening to and mingling with already condemned people? What could they possibly offer you, if not to take you to hell with them?
I'm often accused of being mean or harsh in my response to someone who disagrees with me. Not true.
I'm only harsh to those who are too stupid to be quiet when they don't know what they are talking about, too degenerate in their salvation to know you can't mix the holy with the profane, and too juvenile in their interpretation of scripture to know when and how to apply them.
So instead of arguing, unlearned people need to be silent and teachable. When I'm teaching whether on this page or elsewhere, class is in session. Souls are being set free.
Just like you wouldn't scream out and insult your professor in class or disrupt a doctor during surgery, you won't do it here either. What makes you think I'm supposed to tolerate that disrespectful mess?
That's the type of stuff only remedial kids do; you know, like the ones who have to wear the helmets and diapers so they won't bang their heads against the wall or crap themselves.
Many of the commenters on my posts are just like that. They're extremely remedial. And there is nothing you can do for them but push them far away so they don't disrupt everyone else.
But don't feel sorry for them. These are not innocent people who don't know any better. On the contrary, they are nefarious plotters and agents of evil determined to send as many souls to hell with them as possible. They just picked the wrong page to do it on.
I gave FB a break because I got fed up with dealing with these remedial fake demon-Christians! They're like cockroaches who run scrambling all over the place the moment you shine the spotlight on their favorite sin. They disgust me. However, God didn't call me to be the Orkin man!
I'm often accused of just wanting to sell my ebooks; as if that's a bad thing. That's one of the stupidest so-called 'insults' I ever heard. Why would I NOT want to sell my ebooks? Who writes and publishes books for them not to sell? The deeper question is:
Why are so many people hoping that I won't be able to sell them? Do my ebooks threaten them? Or do they threaten the demons in them that they refuse to let go of???
For me it's never only been about selling my ebooks (though I have every right to do so). My ebooks are just a powerful method of getting people to do an in depth analysis on their spiritual condition so they can fix the problem and grow up to fullness in Christ.
Truth is, I could cut a deal tomorrow with any number of major publishers for a really big check if I wanted to, buy a condo on a beach somewhere exotic and kick my feet up without giving two thoughts about whether some of you make it into heaven or not.
I choose to be independent to remain in total control of my message, so no one can bury it or use it the wrong way. That's nothing to be ashamed about.
And it's not about donations. Please! If my survival depended on those Ive asked donations from so far I'd be sleeping out of my car and eating from garbage cans by now.
This is deeply serious spiritual business for me: my Master's business. Nothing less, nothing more. I'm not here to entertain you; I'm not here to make you feel good. Go watch another black wealth-divesting Marvel comic movie for that. I'm here to save souls!
So from now on if you want to catch me, dont expect to find me here much. FB sucks! Too many unmonitored wack-jobs and weirdos to have engaging dialogue. I'll be posting almost exclusively from my new website, linking the articles back to here from time to time.
And for the non-reprobate real Christians who still appreciate powerful spiritual content: all of my articles and ebooks old and new will be there. I'm only using FB as a promotional tool from now on.
I'm also accepting DONATIONS to help with the new work. (I can feel the haters cringing and squirming right now.)
Anyone who wants to be a part of this new and improved undertaking can donate at the link on the new site under the Donate tab. And I'll mention the word 'donate' just one more time to make the haters cringe some more.??
Now that we've got that handled, go and support the new work. Prayers are always needed and finances greatly appreciated. See you on the new site! God bless.