Anonymous Coward #fundie

Masturbation Is A Demonic Sex Magic Ritual

The passion you feel was originally designed to be solely and exclusively for your married spouse. EXLUSIVELY not for others and not for yourself.

“Lust” was poison put into the human system by satan through Eve and Adam.

Your sperm was meant to produce children for God, not to go into a Napkin. If you Do that you are donating your sperm to the satanic kingdom.

Masturbating is a lust of the flesh. You are doing it for a fleshy feeling.
And if you masturbate to porn, you form spiritual soul ties to every porn star you watch, Both the MEN and the women and all the people that made the film. To get delivered you have to break soul ties. Its sex magick. This is explained in more Detail in the video. I know it's a tough sin to overcome, so much in advertising and movie is designed to sexually stimulate men to get them to fap and sin. (Also women please service your husbands to help them avoid this sin).



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