Chaon #conspiracy
Notes from an 'alternate universe': Aliens from Sirius and the US presidential election (the big picture)
A few days ago I posted the following on my thread (see below), as I thought it was important enough to share.
Some basics:
0 7 years ago, an entity from another world began to communicate through me by posting on this forum as user "Chaol"
0 I discovered this only a couple of years ago, after which time I began looking into all of the posts that I (as "Chaol") had made
0 After reading all of the posts and trying to understand the material I came up with a new kind of science, 'Quantum Metaphysics' that illustrates the information that Chaol explained through me
0 The science in the book is not a science at all, but a new way of thinking. I have asked several actual quantum theorists if they could disprove the theory, but the two that responded were unable to. (They are also unwilling to make public statements about it, so I consider this part mostly irrelevant.)
0 After thinking Chaol was a part of my subconscious, a few days ago I discovered that Chaol was actually a entity from another world
0 Chaol doesn't have a message for humanity, per se. She seems to only want me to spread the information in order to bridge my world and hers.
0 I have been spending time in Chaol's world (although Chaol calls it 'the dreamworld' it is also an actual physical place. Though Chaol travels using both body and mind.)
0 A few days ago I happened to ask her about the future and discovered a number of things. The following is one part of that that I think is rather important. (The information itself is necessarily distorted through my own lens of perspective, but I've been working to make it as 'accurate', or relative, as possible.)
none of the following is true...
A group of beings from the Sirius star system are planning to make themselves known to us in November in order to prevent the possibility of losing their ability to communicate with their home world. They have been physically here on Earth since 2011, and have been observing our world along with other nearby worlds for a very, very long time. For reasons that will concern us far more than would concern them, the future of humanity is at stake.
Our history with these beings goes back to the dawn of humanity, when they found ways to inter-breed with certain types of animals native to Earth. (I'm not too familiar with Zecharia Sitchin or Erich von Daniken's work but perhaps some clues could be found in that direction.)
Getting Sirius
This group (whose name I did not find out) have come to prevent us from using advanced nuclear weapons. But it is not because they 'care' about humanity or our civilization, per se. We are left to our own devices, but not when those devices disrupt other worlds it seems. A nuclear war on Earth using our latest nuclear weapon technology would pollute the solar system with a tremendous amount of geomagnetically induced current, which interfers with the electromagnetic fields they use to communicate with their world from their nearby base.
Chaol is not aligned with this group but does have some knowledge of their whereabouts and what they are up to, and has shown me some of this because I thought to ask what the future is like.
The US government (along with others) have known of their presence since 2011 and has contingency plans with other major governments in case of an "alien invasion". From what I can see there isn't the sligtest possibility of an alien invasion (as there would be no need) but the Sirius beings know that war and defense is our natural response. General Douglas MacArthur - in a 1955 speech - said that the next (world) war will be interplanetary. It is no coincidence that Donald Trump continues to bring his name up. I think there are a number of others in the US and around the world who are aware of the Sirius presence and believe it to be an immediate threat to their own well-being.
The US government has been preparing for inter-planetary war since before Roswell. (Indeed, the craft at Roswell was their own. Their 'clever' cover story got out of hand.) But again, there is no possibility of war with these beings. Our technologies are exceedingly primitive in comparison and Earth has nothing of any value to them. That doesn't stop certain powerful interests that use proxies in government, media, and every corner of society from thinking otherwise. The names that you read about and think are pulling the strings ("the powers that be") are themselves proxies of people whose names you've never heard of. They believe that -- long ago -- the beings from Sirius gave control of Earth to them, the 'chosen ones' (which they didn't).
(By the way.. the "reptilian" conspiracy is not too far off from reality. There are no human-looking reptile beings from other worlds but there are people that use their primitive, reptilian brain (the oldest part of the human brain, that we have the Sirians to thank for). This part of the brain very easily connects with the more emotion-based right hemisphere. I believe that people that see some humans as reptiles are subconsciously picking up on the other person's heightened use of their primitive brain.)
The Sirians do plan, however, to render not only our nuclear weaponry inert but also our massive particle colliders (CERN, LHC, etc) one of which is a secret attempt to build a portal to Sirius. Further, their plan is to completely disable the mechanisms that those devices rely on -- which means the tremendous logistics and resources that are used to support them -- in order to prevent us from developing the same types of devices in future. THIS is the part that affects us most.
So what now?
The pace of things has increased as governments around the world have stepped up their plans (and made new ones) in response to the 2011 Sirius arrival. I don't know what will happen next, but I do know that the Sirius group wants to shift the nuclear drums of war towards cooperation to defend against an extra-terrestrial threat that doesn't exist.
Scenario 1 seems to be a "Cold War" type scenario with two groups of countries developing nuclear weapons to use against each other. Although it seems highly unlikely that any would seriously consider deploying such weapons, the very existence of such weapons is a threat to the Sirius group.
Scenario 2 (desired by the Sirius group) is where they make themselves known, peacefully. Regardless of their benevolence, this would set off a cooperation between governments to shift resources to developing different kinds of weapons that will not interfere with their communications. People would generally see their presence as peaceful and interesting whereas -- behind closed doors -- governments would be frantically developing defensive measures.
They are planning to reveal themselves in the middle of November or December at the latest. There are some other events playing out on the world stage that dictates the need for their timeline, as we might see soon enough.